Monday, September 12, 2016

Diversity in the NFL and NBA

© 2016 Jim Spence - Being a big football fan I looked forward to opening day in the NFL yesterday. A few idiots tried to ruin it. But they failed.
Still, the incredible world of "make believe" continued this weekend in America with a number of highly paid black NFL players protesting the national anthem for supposed widespread wrongdoings by Americans.
Of course the diversity pimps applauded these protests as an expression of free speech. The protests are free speech. And in America, even the most hapless idiots have a right to freedom of expression. But......they are still hapless idiots.
The context for these acts of protest were actually so absurd they were comical. There is only one place in America that is LESS diverse than the NFL in terms of percentage representation by each so-called racial class (Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.). That would be the NBA. In these two high profile sports (NBA and NFL) black players are overwhelmingly OVER-represented in terms of which racial group holds the most lucrative jobs. Yet nobody pimps for a change in the absence of diversity in the NFL or NBA. There are no Asian Americans, white Americans, or Native Americans staging sit-ins while whining and screaming for “diversity,” because the better black players are taking most of the jobs. If they did so they would be considered the laughing stock of the country. And even if they did protest, no coach, GM, or team owner would ever settle for lesser players simply for the sake of more equal racial representation. 
All Americans, black or otherwise, know that the best players get drafted, survive roster cuts, and get the highest salaries and bonuses…..period. The same thing is true in the American entertainment industry where box office draws like Samuel Jackson, Will Smith, and Denzel Washington, to name but a few, earn astronomical fees to perform in films.
But this is 21st Century America and the incredible world of "make believe" applies to EVERY OTHER AREA OF OUR COMPETITIVE LIVES EXCEPT the NFL and the NBA. Ask any Democrat. They will imply that we are all to simply "make believe" that racism is widespread everywhere else, except in the NFL and NBA. And this according to Democrats, is why blacks are being held down. It is intentional!
Democrats believe we should ignore the astonishing studies that show that black kids in the inner cities have a bogus phrase for good academic behaviors. Good academic behaviors would be the attending of classes, paying attention to the teachers, taking notes, reading, and of course completing assignments etc. Amazingly, millions of black kids routinely call these valuable behaviors, “acting white.” And in inner city circles “acting white” is frowned on. The cultural/peer pressures to not "act white" are enormous. Accordingly, it should come as no surprise that the poorest performing students in America, as a group, are the black students in the inner cities…..the ones that avoid “acting white” at all costs. 
The opposite of “acting white” of course, is the culture embraced in the inner cities. This culture does not merely condone the embracing of illiteracy, it embraces violence, drug use, government dependency, and sexual irresponsibility at early ages. This culture continues to produce tens of millions of single parent homes.
Still, if you consider the racial makeup of the NFL and NBA, the black players in those leagues live in a performance culture bubble. Black athletes are culturally in tune with the importance of a written game plan. Unlike the culture that embraces bad academic behavior, the black athletic culture rejects skipping practices, ignoring playbooks, and refusing to study game films. Black athletes embrace a culture that insures improvement is constant. In a nutshell, black athletes understand that if they do not internalize good habits that are essentially COMPETITIVE……they will get cut. And they don't want to get cut. They strive to be great.
Now let’s turn back to this charade going on in the NFL and in the election season these days. It is a charade that was first spearheaded by the clueless Colin Kaepernick. Since Kaepernick put his ignorance on display, there have been a few more NFL dunces that can’t seem to connect the competitive dots just like all Democrats cannot or will not connect the dots. These black athletes who were protesting play in a sport that has no diversity because blacks have and develop their talents and skills. These athletes intentionally ignore the cold hard realities about the culture outside of athletics.
Here is the cold hard truth. The aversion by millions of black children to “acting white,” as is the phrase in the inner city……..comes with devastating costs. The reason why blacks are OVER-represented when it comes to incarceration is because they embrace a culture that condones illiteracy, violence, drug use, government dependency, and sexual irresponsibility that creates tens of millions of single parent homes. It is embedded in the popular music, films, etc. It is a cancer.
It doesn't have to be this way. Blacks who marry and stay married experience the same exact low poverty rates as whites who do the same. And blacks that embrace literacy, reject violence, reject drug use, reject sexual irresponsibility, and reject government dependency, can and do prosper in America in great numbers. When black Americans have extraordinary talent and drive, they can and do become extraordinary. Oprah Winfrey, Robert Smith, Robert Johnson, Don Peebles, and Berry Gordy are on a list of highly accomplished American blacks goes on and on including our inexplicably racially paranoid president. Mr. Obama. Obama won two general elections in the same America he, Hillary Clinton, and these protesting NFL players believe has a bias against people of color.

There is a fundamental truth that EVERYONE understands about the NFL and the NBA, that NOBODY wants to admit about everything else in life. The reason why so many blacks do so poorly in America is simple. To use the vernacular of the athlete…..they make choices that turn them into lousy players. They skip life’s practices, they ignore life’s playbook, and they refuse to watch the equivalent of films about competing in society that would make them better players. Nobody drafts illiterate and irresponsible players, because these kinds of players can’t help ANY team.
Finally, nothing any make-believe grievance pimp like Colin Kaepernik, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton says is going to change the fact that lousy players make bad teammates. The only thing that is going to change the black experience for millions of kids that grow up to be adults in America is a cultural shift that once and for all spurns the idea that embracing literacy, rejecting violence, rejecting drug use, rejecting sexual irresponsibility, and rejecting government dependency contradicts with their "racial identity."
In the meantime, my question is pretty simple. Knowing all that we know, why aren't these race pimps already the laughing stock of the country?
Only when the cynical bastards who race pimp become the laughing stock of the country, will the lot in life of the average inner city black kid begin to improve.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Misuse of the word "greed" - Thomas Sowell Part 6

Thomas Sowell
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money. Among the many other questions raised by the nebulous concept of “greed” is why it is a term applied almost exclusively to those who want to earn more money or to keep what they have already earned—never to those wanting to take other people’s money in taxes or to those wishing to live on the largesse dispensed from such taxation. No amount of taxation is ever described as “greed” on the part of government or the clientele of government. One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”--- Thomas Sowell
You hear misuse of the term “greed” and the canonization of those who misuse it virtually every day. Whether it is the Clintons or the Obamas, demonizing those who produce is their stock and trade. How do they get away with it? Their party has carefully constructed a public education system and entertainment system and used these systems to indoctrinate the masses. Sowell pinpoints the realities of the results the Democrats call for here:
“Socialism is a wonderful idea. It is only as a reality that it has been disastrous. Among people of every race, color, and creed, all around the world, socialism has led to hunger in countries that used to have surplus food to export.... Nevertheless, for many of those who deal primarily in ideas, socialism remains an attractive idea -- in fact, seductive. Its every failure is explained away as due to the inadequacies of particular leaders. Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.”
What Democrats count on most to stay in power is widespread ignorance. And what they count on most has become reliable. We have a nation is on the verge of starvation in Venezuela. However, there is no mention of the fact that Venezuelan dictators like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have been pimping for socialism for a few decades. China only emerged from a period when starvation on a massive scale was beginning to set in, when it turned to market based principles. Often when you listen to a socialist, whether it is Obama, one of the Clintons, or Bernie Sanders, you notice that they scoff at the idea of market-based principles as being too simple in the complex world. They want people to believe that they understand this exceedingly complex world much more so than the average person, so much so, that they should be the nation’s caretaker. Sowell has their ilk nailed here:
“People who pride themselves on their "complexity" and deride others for being "simplistic" should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth.”
The nation's public education system and elected officials in the Democratic Party refuse to discuss the basic concept of economic scarcity. They urge their constituents to resort to envy. Sowell points to reality here:
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
The Lego movie illustrated the corruption of Hollywood and the Democrats as well as any film in modern history. The villain in that animated movie was “Lord Business.” The movie was one of the most cynical attempts to turn people against business. Ironically Hollywood is a business too. Thomas Sowell gets to the heart of the matter here:

“It was Thomas Edison who brought us electricity, not the Sierra Club. It was the Wright brothers who got us off the ground, not the Federal Aviation Administration. It was Henry Ford who ended the isolation of millions of Americans by making the automobile affordable, not Ralph Nader. Those who have helped the poor the most have not been those who have gone around loudly expressing “compassion for the poor,” but those who found ways to make industry more productive and distribution more efficient, so that the poor of today can afford things that the affluent of yesterday could only dream about.”
The next time you hear a Democrat barking about producers not paying their "fair share" you should know that they laying a guilt trip game on America. Sowell speaks of it often:
“Despite whatever the left may say, or even believe, about their concern for the poor, their actual behavior shows their interest in the poor to be greatest when the poor can be used as a focus of the left’s denunciations of society.” 
And some people wonder where Colin Kapernick gets all of his stupid ideas? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thanks public education and Hollywood

History is littered with the economic failures of socialism. Every American should know this. Too few do. This explains how Bernie Sanders can gather so many votes. 

And of course, the great irony is that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are socialists too. The only difference between Obama and Clinton, versus Sanders, is both Obama and Clinton are under the mistaken impression that Americans actually know that socialism does not work. Accordingly Obama and Clinton have never labeled their deep preference for socialist policies as “socialism.”

It is ironic that Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution of socialism when he is actually in favor of virtually every big government idea that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ever conceived. Bernie Sanders has supported every curb on freedom that has already been foisted on the American people by Obama. Sanders not only embraces oppressive anti-freedom socialist laws like Obamacare, he embraces U.S. Constitution defying agency actions taken by the E.P.A.  Sanders has supported the dictatorship-like actions that have produced the results he now roundly criticizes.

While Hillary Clinton has resorted to praising everything about Obama in the hopes of capturing black primary voters, Sanders is railing indignantly at the status quo he has helped craft. This is some revolution he is promoting. The truth is both Sanders and Clinton are not only revolting, they are revolting against themselves.

Why don’t millions of Americans know any of this?
The answer is simple. The influence of public education and Hollywood has poisoned millions of minds. The great scandal of public education is that it simply refuses to teach students why free enterprise works and socialism fails. Public education is the most corrupt institution in America because it always goes back for more resources and is allotted more money to waste……from socialists. Public education has no incentive to teach Americans how to raise their living standards through free enterprise because public education raises its own living standards via a corrupt relationship with socialist Democrats.

What role does Hollywood play in insuring Americans don’t understand free enterprise? It is a great irony that the entertainment industry, while engaging in virtually unregulated free enterprise, cranks out one feature film and TV show after another that casts free enterprise as evil. It is the socialists who are the heroes in the pop culture carefully crafted by Hollywood.

Hollywood also makes sure minorities remain uninformed. Despite millions of examples of blacks and Hispanics climbing the ladder of free enterprise success in America, along with public education and pop culture icons, Hollywood continuously advances the false narrative that free enterprise rigs the system against minorities. It is the greatest paradox of all that Hollywood engages in free enterprise to destroy free enterprise.

How uninformed is the America we live in today? Few Americans know that Donald Trump is hardly a self-made man. Few realize his wealth came, not from his abilities or wisdom, but from those of his father. Most Americans think Trump is some sort of business genius. And few Americans know Trump stiffed thousands of people out of their money with several bankruptcy filings that left his inherited wealth intact…..while those who relied on his big promises got screwed.

In the end, it is pretty hard to undo what public education and Hollywood has done to America. Allowing public education to corrupt the minds of several generations of Americans has finally produced a nation that contains too many uninformed rubes. More than ever before Americans now know so many things that simply aren’t true.

Thirty-six years ago we temporarily fixed this increasingly dangerous situation when Ronald Reagan helped America understand that government….“Wasn’t the solution, government was the problem.” 

Sadly and due mostly to public education and Hollywood, we have unlearned the lesson about the dangers of big government all over again. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want us to unlearn that tough lesson even more. 

Astonishingly, Donald Trump may be our only hope to reverse this pathetic trend.

Monday, January 4, 2016

To hell with hard work

Betsy McCaughey wrote an incredible article for Investor's Business Daily near year end. It serves as the inspiration for this column.

Have you ever observed American teenagers and wondered if they are somehow different than us when we were teenagers? Well they are.

Simply watch street interviews on one of many news shows when a random sample of today’s teens are asked basic questions. You will find an incredibly ignorant lot. In fact, American teens rank just 28th in the world these days in math and science knowledge. Countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan produce bright adults. The American education system, which is not much more than a Democratic Party indoctrination machine that is teaching things that are simply irrelevant, produces millions of rubes. Many work the system for handouts after their student loan cash flow runs out.

U.S. scores on the main test for elementary and middle school education, (NAEP) are plunging and SAT scores for college-bound students are atrocious.

What is happening? Obama was going to transform America. He funneled hundreds of billions of dollars into public education. He was going to bridge the racial and income gaps in our country through government "investments" in government monopoly education. He was going to help lift the nation out of the abyss caused by George W. Bush and No Child Left Behind.

Yea, sure he was.

Instead of real reforms what Obama has done is orchestrate the most elaborate con ever played on America. The Obama political drumbeat goes something like this. Educational bureaucrats need more money because too many Americans cling to their bibles and their guns. The biggest problem we have (besides it being too warm in Chicago in the winter) is there is racism everywhere, even in the schools. This racism explains all of the gun violence. And not enough people care about the education of minorities. Oh yes, and we Americans are pretty racist towards poor immigrants. We are holding them down. And all of this, Obama says, explains all of the poverty.

Sure it does.

Does anyone want to talk about all of the races that make up our  immigrant and minority populations? Let's talk about Asian-American children.....especially the sons and daughters of recent immigrants. These children dominate academically in America. And of course many Asian-American students come from working "poor" families. However, these children distance themselves from all other students groups by large margins in America when it comes to academic achievement. This is true, regardless of how you measure achievement. And this achievement lead just keeps widening.

How does this happen with all the anti-immigrant sentiment in a still hopelessly racist America that Obama laments regularly? The answer is simple. In Asian-American households the parents tend to supervise their children's homework. And Asian parents hold their kids strictly accountable for grades. More than any other group Asian parents demand hard work every single day. Of course nothing, except much more laziness prevents all the other American ethnic groups many that Obama holds dear, from doing the same.

What is the Democrat response to the academic excellence of Asian-Americans? What do they think of achievement that is propelled by solid parents doing their jobs keeping their kids motivated? Democrats want to change the system and water down the results of the Asian’s hard work and commitment to excellence. You want some proof? Look no farther than New York City where Asian-Americans make up only 13% of overall students. In New York, Asian-Americans win more than 50% of all of the spots at the city's eight highly selective public high schools. Of course there is no difference in IQ in the Asian-American population. What you will find however, is a huge difference in parenting efforts. While the parents of whites, blacks, and Hispanic do comparatively little in the way of parental oversight of academics, Asian-American parents are hands on all of the time. Harvard is now rigging admissions to limit the number of Asians in the student population. Can't have to many people of one identity group at the school!

Sorry Democrats, there is no racial bias in failure. Lousy parents of all races produce lousy kids.

To combat the cause-effect process of disengaged parents many charter schools require parents to sign a contract that they will supervise their children's homework and demand work ethic. It is no wonder Democrats hate charter schools. Charter schools are under direct attack by many Democratic Party politicians. In New York City, Clinton clone Mayor Bill De Blasio has joined hands with the NAACP to kill academic excellence in the Asian-American community. He wants to eliminate the "competitive exam" for the city's eight selective high schools. Essentially, De Blasio wants to control admissions and limit the number of Asian students in New York City's best schools. This Democrat is just fine with cheating poor, mostly immigrant and first-generation Asian kids out of their steadfast efforts to obtain a world-class education.

Author Dennis Saffran explains all of this in his epic work, "The Plot Against Merit." Instead of rewarding great parenting, Democrats want to punish their efforts so our system continues to mass produce the same sort of morons we see wandering around the nation these days without a clue about math or science let alone American history.

The reason why Democrats sweep Asian-American immigrant achievements under the racial discussion rug is simple. There is no “victim” to be served by big government in the Asian community model of great parenting. And bigger government is the sole aim of the Democratic Party. Good parenting might put some government program at risk.

God help us if Hillary Clinton is empowered to continue this process. She will.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The most insidious lie of all

Over the years I have written more than a few columns exposing the ways that Democrats are destroying the nation with a huge assist from the public education system, an ultra-biased news media, and the entertainment industry. These entities seed radically progressive themes in the minds of Americans with dubious course material, false narrative newscasts, and countless television and movie productions.

The results of this avalanche of propaganda is an Ayn Rand-like national nightmare where our nation steadily declines as Democrats call for more and more policies that are leading the decline.

As various presidential candidates unveil their “tax plans” for the 2017-2020 time frame it becomes clear what the most insidious lie is that has been foisted on the country.

If you want to guess what the most insidious lie is let me give you some wrong answers so you don't waste your time.

Forget the lie that somehow another “law” or another rule or regulation of business will save the nation. A bad lie, but not the most insidious. You can also forget the lie that a vote for bigger government with more bureaucrats controlling more national resources and running more “programs” is better for the country. This too is a bad idea that is horrible for America. Yes, these two ideas alone, which have been implemented on an incremental basis, are killing the nation like slow-dose poison. But neither is the most insidious lie.

The most insidious lie is that all of these things, more laws, more rules and regulations, more bureaucratic control, more damage to business, and more programs can somehow be FREE for half the nation.

The greatest disservice done to America over the last six and a half dreadful years was done to it by Mitt Romney. Remember that Romney got "caught" on an I-phone video explaining why it was impossible to fix the country when 47% of the adult population was asked to pay NOTHING in income tax in exchange for the massive government that Democrats have saddled America with. When this truth-telling video was made public, instead of defending the TRUTH, Romney inexplicably went into denial mode and acted as if the content of the video was taken out of context.

So here we are in 2015. In the last national election the GOP presidential nominee joined Democrats in lying to the country about the true costs of more laws-regulations of business and bureaucrats controlling more national resources and running more “programs.” You see, these things are not only destroying us; due to their sheer size and scope of their reach, they can't possibly be FREE. The assumption that it takes only half of the adult population of the country to be contributing to the cost of these supposedly wonderful big government ideas, is undoubtedly the most insidious lie ever foisted on our nation.

The GOP led by sheep is joining the Democrats in the movement to swan dive or nation right into the abyss.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The moral throne

The Spence family descends from a long line of Catholics. John S. Spence the bishop being perhaps the most noteworthy. Pope Francis the leader of the faith that is directly traced to the disciples of Jesus has crossed lines into hypocrisy that puts Jimmy Swaggert and the Reverend Jim Baker to shame.
Forget his preaching about “climate change” in the face of his bogus catastrophic predictions regarding the “planet.” Forget his visit to Cuba without as much as a mention of how the Castro brothers butcher dissidents and squash religious freedoms. Forget the fact that he won’t mention that Democrats in the U.S. are now openly supporting infanticide….the killing of babies who survive abortion procedures. Now this pope has decided he does not like free market capitalism or wealth accumulation.
According to Time magazine bankers' best guesses about the Vatican's wealth put it at around $10 billion to $15 billion. Vatican Italian stock holdings alone run to $1.6 billion, 15% of the value of listed shares on the Italian market. The Vatican also has big global investments in banking, insurance, chemicals, steel, construction, and real estate. Massive dividend and rental income along with tax free tithes helps pay for Vatican expenses. The Church is diversified. It also holds billions in gold bars. Its art collection is priceless. Visit Vatican City and witness a portfolio of the most ornate architecture and accessories possibly imaginable.
This pope, like all others, sits on his golden throne and lives a life of luxury. He sees to it that Church cardinals also live lives of luxury. And to a lesser extent, like division presidents in a corporation, bishops also live well. The irony is the structure of the Catholic Church could be mistaken for that of most for-profit companies in the world. The only difference being the Church’s “products and services.” While the evil Pfizer and Merck sell miracle drugs that keep people alive, the gloriously virtuous Vatican sells people salvation after they are dead.
Unlike ordinary stockholders, the Vatican pays no taxes on all of its income and capital gains. 
These days it is a regular occurrence to hear this pope spout Marxist principles in a way that attempts to position him and his corporate lieutenants in a position of moral superiority. His primary virtue is he does not seem to like the fact that for-profit companies CEO’s tend to behave exactly as he does.
No wonder Democrats love this pope….except of course when it comes to his opposition to baby murdering. Well, what the hell. Nobody is infallible.
No wonder Democrats like this guy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Violence against school teachers and why Ben Carson is needed

Though he never mentioned him by name, my idol, Walter Williams explained why America needs to elect Ben Carson president.
Walter Williams
In a recent column Williams talked about violence against teachers in our schools. The fact that the problem is worsening is directly attributable to Comrade Obama. Williams speaks of counselors of teachers in public schools treating teachers (not soldiers) for PTSD. The conclusion is our school’s are now war zones. The evidence is overwhelming. In Philadelphia schools employ close to 400 school police officers. Police are everywhere at every school. In my hometown of Baltimore, each school day in 2010, an average of four teachers and staff were assaulted. Nationally, an average of 1,175 teachers and staff were physically attacked each day of the 2011-12 school year.
What is the Obama administration solution to the schools becoming war zones? It sent all the school districts in the country a letter warning them to avoid "racial bias" when suspending or expelling students.
Obama thinks this violence against school teachers is about race. However, we did not begin to have this violence problem until 50 years ago. Discrimination was a larger problem BEFORE all this violence began to snowball. As discrimination has diminished, violence has escalated. Still, Obama's Secretary of Education Arne Duncan claimed that racial discrimination in the administration of discipline is "a real problem today." This is the big lie that continues to destroy our country.
The question is simple: Why are black “leaders” accepting violent behavior that allows schools to become war zones. The answer is pretty simple. It is a complete lack of respect, let alone admiration for, the attitudes embraced by Ben Carson's mother. These are the attitudes and behaviors that produced a John’s Hopkins neurosurgeon like Carson.
No, instead Obama and the rest of the Democrats have redefined what constitutes acceptable behavior in the black community. They have put schools on notice to tolerate black violence against school teachers. Violence is not the problem in their eyes. In their eyes racism is the problem. Accordingly, they feel compelled to convince all young blacks that destructive behavior is explainable by racism.
We need an impressive man who has accomplished great things (not a speech maker) to deliver the message to the black community that we are no longer going to give a slap on the wrists to people who assault school teachers. We will NEVER see that kind of tough love from any Democrat. What you will get from Democrats is the toleration of more and more violence against teachers.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Not everyone remembers

Do you remember what you were doing on 9-11? Do you remember the towers falling? Do you remember how you felt? Do you think everyone remembers?

Try this. Do you remember that tens of thousands took to the streets and cheered in Tehran when 3,000 people were murdered in cold blood on that day.

We are told by Obama and Clinton that chants of "Death to America" in the Iranian parliament in 2015 don’t matter.

We are told by Clinton and Obama that we must make a deal with people who routinely refer to America as the "Great Satan."

Yes, I remember 9-11 and so do you.

But Democrats, with their blocking of a simple vote on the wisdom of Obama trusting Iran to inspect themselves, tells you all you need to know about how much Democrats value your safety and your basic freedoms.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The truth about Labor Day

It is Labor Day, a great day to celebrate the American worker. Since we are all workers (not exactly since some don’t work) I guess this means we are celebrating ourselves. One thing we are not celebrating is organized labor or union bosses. Let's explore.

When it comes to aligning itself with criminality, it is pretty hard to beat the American labor movement. Teachers have been caught engaging in criminality plenty lately. Take the teachers and administrators in Atlanta who soon will be reporting to prison thanks to an incredibly widespread cheating scandal. Why did they cheat? They wanted to rig test scores. This is widespread fraud.

Consider the Philadelphia union slime bags who talk about how much they care about working people. Turns out they were also committing arson and vandalizing churches that chose non-union contractors. This is mob behavior.

Set aside the crime. The great irony is the American labor movement today is the biggest job killer in the nation. Of course the Obama administration has done everything in its power to launder money through labor syndicates since they are important sources of donations and manpower for Democratic campaigns. But the jobs Obama has killed here, are simply resurrecting overseas. Markets avoid protection rackets.

Consider the Obama’s National Labor Relations Board’s political persecution of Boeing. Why? Boeing chose to go to a piece of real estate that it owned and build an assembly plant. Boeing acted like it had the right to choose. Obama's NLRB favors mob behavior.

How about the recent NLRB franchise decision? The NLRB ruled that companies can be held liable for the acts of their contractors despite the fact they are independent businesses that are free to make their own rules and policies.  The union goons, in this desperate instance want their allies the trial lawyers to be able to extort money from franchisers. More extortionist mob-like behavior.

Why are all of these outrageous union-related atrocities happening? It is because private-sector union membership has been steadily declining for decades (job killers). It is down to 6.6 percent of the work force in the latest figures.

Of course there are still new aggressive forms of union cancer. Public-sector unions, which represent more than a third of all government employees, are a separate and distinct disease. As public unions do to taxpayers what private sector unions have done to employers, it will be Chapter 9 bankruptcy (instead of Chapter 11) that sorts out the insolvencies and kills more jobs.

The truth is the market already knows that good workers are extraordinarily valuable. Any time any business loses a skilled veteran associate it is costly. Training replacements is expensive. Good businesses know this and bad ones go broke for not knowing it. Organized labor has nothing to do with this fact.

A world without union bosses is not a world with evil car manufacturers exploiting helpless auto workers. Detroit may be mostly dead, however, drivers all over the world can hop in a new turbocharged Honda Type R Civic made right here in the USA. This car isn’t even sold in the American market. Americans will be driving the NSX supercar, which is built at the same facility in Marysville, Ohio, by highly skilled, highly paid non-union American autoworkers. This is a facility with no UAW bosses skimming cash and destroying quality with union work rules. Honda is successful creating good paying jobs in the United States in spite of the existence of unions, not because of union extortion. Accordingly Honda can close an obsolete 20-year-old facility anytime it deems this necessary and create state-of-the-art new facilities without union interference. The happy results are more products people want to buy, and more American jobs.

Consider that Google offers high wages and rich amenities to its employees. Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft also pay high wages and offer great benefits. No union boss is behind the scenes running a protection racket in Silicon Valley. In the real world, workers get paid more because they produce more, not because there’s some protection racket mobsters are threatening to pass out picket signs.

On Labor Day when you watch the news you will hear a pack of lies from organized criminals like the Teamsters, the UAW, along with most Democrats. They will completely distort what Labor Unions have done for American workers. It is all lies.

American workers are among the most creative and productive people in the history of civilization. It has nothing to do with the corrupt protection rackets established by mobsters. American workers don’t need Obama, Trump, the Clintons, or Bernie Sanders to prop them up. However, what they do need is for big government to get out of the way and let innovators innovate and teams to work together. Don't expect Democrats to every understand this.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Boy are we stupid, if we had it all to do over again!

Kristi and I have thought it over and we have been pretty stupid all of our lives. Let me explain.
Our relationship began 39 years ago when we met in college. Nine months before we were married we announced to her parents that we were going to live together until my social security stipend ran out. My father died at the age of 46 and I was entitled to $256 a month in survivor educational benefits for nine months. Our decision to live together went over like a fart in church. Her parents, devoted liberal Democrats, reacted with great hostility to our "live together plan" and cut her off completely from all parental support. Living together just wouldn't fly. If she wanted a college education she would have to pay for it herself.
Well, somehow we made it through. but boy were we stupid. We should have waited patiently for the country to “improve” under the compassionate oversight of Democrats.
Let’s fast forward to 2015 and suppose we had just graduated from college a few years ago like our kids have. Let's assume we were still living together as my income stream blossomed. We could be taking amazing advantage of the wonderful system of living together entitlements created by Democrats. Here would be our fourteen step plan to easy street in 2015:
First, we would never get married.
Second, we would still have both Renee and Davey.
Third, I would continue to use my brother’s address as my mailing address just like I did in college. I'd pay a little rent to him each month, and store some of my stuff there.
Fourth, I would buy a nice house out here at Picacho Hills and rent it to poor little Kristi the unmarried mother of two.
Fifth, Kristi could take advantage of the Section 8 housing rules, which allow single parent mothers as much as $900 a month for a three bedroom home. This would cover a huge chunk of our mortgage.
Sixth, Kristi would sign up for free Obamacare so she and the kids could get their health insurance for free.
Seventh, as a single parent mother, Kristi could get to go to college practically for free.
Eighth, Kristi would get issued a $600 EBT credit card every month for free food.
Ninth, she would get a free cell phone and those monthly costs would come off of my Verizon bill.
Tenth, Kristi could get her utilities practically for free thanks to single parent home utility subsidies.  
Eleventh, of course I would spend my time sleeping in the master bedroom as her “boyfriend” just as I did starting way back in 1977.
Twelfth, Kristi would claim Renee and I could claim Davey as a dependent on our separate tax returns, so we could both get an unmarried "head of household" tax credit.
Thirteenth, Kristi would develop a bad back, which would be so hard to diagnose, but very debilitating. That would qualify her for disability benefits.
Fourteenth, I’d name Kristi as the sole heir to all of my assets in my will to be held in trust at my death.
Millions of Americans are working many of these angles in our current system. You seem them paying for their stuff with EBT cards every day. These giveaways, which could total roughly $75,000 per year, require NO WORK. However, they do require women to live with the father of their children instead of marrying him.
We are so stupid. Almost every step of the way we voted against all the people who have created all of these gloriously compassionate taxpayer-funded schemes for people who continue to live together instead of getting married.
We stupidly did the following: We paid our own way through school including tuition (minus a few academic scholarships). We also paid our own rent. We also bought our own food. We also saved for our kids college educations. We also paid our own utility bills. We also paid for our own health insurance premiums including sky high rates and deductibles these days thanks to Obamacare. We also pay for our own cellphones. Stupidly, I worked through my bad back injury and surgery instead of working the system and going out on disability.
With all of these stupid things we have done on our own, at certain family gatherings we are still told we have never paid our fair share to society. We are told we vote for the wrong people, candidates who are "pygmies," because they opposed all of these policies to help people living together.
We finally get it. Boy are we stupid.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Reverse the identities and consider the reaction

Let’s get this straight, surveillance video from the Houston gas station where Deputy Goforth was brutally murdered shows he had just come out of a convenience store after he had pumped gas. The video shows the murderer, Shannon Miles, get out of his red truck and come up behind Deputy Goforth. Miles puts the gun to the back of his head and shoots. Deputy Goforth hits the ground and then Miles continues to unload his gun, shooting repeatedly into the back of Deputy Goforth another fourteen times.
Shell casings match the .40-caliber Smith and Wesson handgun found at Miles’ home.
One can assume, with no big leap to conclusion, that Deputy Goforth was a target because he was white and more important, because he wore a law enforcement uniform.
Consider what we would be hearing on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and even Fox, if the shooter and victim identities were reversed.
Consider if Shannon Miles, a black man, had been shot to death by the white Deputy Goforth under the same circumstances. You can bet the Black Lives Matter protesters would have organized riots in Houston in short order. Instead it appears this group and the Black Panthers in Harris County have been inciting violence against law enforcement for several weeks in the area.
So what would be the reaction by our leaders? No doubt the lackeys in the Obama White House would have issued a statement deploring the racial implications and perhaps even suggest if Obama had a son he’d look like Miles. Behind the scenes the White House would encourage every grievance whore in the nation to blast “white supremacists” in America.
This prediction is not hard to make. The absurd narrative of police brutality against black Americans gets bolstered at every turn by Obama,
Reverse the racial identities of the recent killings of TV journalists and consider how the media would handle it? The race pimps would come out of the woodwork.
Know this, cops who protect us at great personal risk are being butchered at the hands of blacks incited to violence by this false Democratic Party narrative. It goes unchecked, and in fact, it gets bolstered by every Democrat at every turn for votes.
The truth is the Democratic Party leadership in America both black and white has failed. It is almost as if they want a race war to break out so voter turnout in urban America will be heavy. They have more and more blood on their hands with almost every day that passes.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What we should ignore

As team Clinton leads the next election cycle with……a scandal, their defenders are out in droves. You will see them on TV lying about Hillary Clinton in an effort to get us to ignore her criminal behaviors. Once again the Democrats need someone to tell them how and why they should look the other way on crimes.

Here is a list of a few things that people like Geraldo Rivera and Howard Dean want Democrats to ignore:

Ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton was running the State Department with one eye on the White House and — because of her own political needs, she established, contrary to the rules and basic common sense, a private means of communication that placed America’s national security at risk.

We should ignore the fact that she intentionally and unlawfully transmitted classified and confidential information crucial to our national defense through an unsecured, private e-mail system.

We should ignore the fact that she negligently stored confidential national defense information on unsecured and unauthorized private devices, including a server located in the bathroom of a loft apartment in Denver.

In short, we should simply ignore the fact that she committed federal crimes.

We should ignore the fact that she initially tried to cover up the fact that she sent and received classified information on her civilian account even though this reality is now beyond dispute.

We should ignore the fact that audits have revealed that hundreds of her e-mails contained classified information, including information deemed Top Secret.

We should ignore the fact that she mishandled information from U.S. Africa Command detailing “Libyan troop strength and movements.”

We should ignore the fact that she stored this information on a private, unsecured server, and transmitted it on a private, unsecured Smartphone.

We should ignore the fact that she intentionally did not use the State Department’s standard, secure device.

We should ignore the fact that absurdly in her defense, she says she’s innocent because she never sent or received e-mails with information that was “marked” classified, which she claims is, “The way you know” how to handle such information. We should ignore this outrageous lie.

We should ignore the fact that every single federal employee who handles classified information including the Secretary of State and her administrative assistants are required to protect both “marked and unmarked” classified information.

We should ignore the fact that she and all of her employees signed a classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement that clearly states this responsibility, a responsibility that’s not just a legal mandate, but is also a matter of sheer common sense.

We should ignore the fact that Mrs. Clinton knows all of this. Because of her position she had the power to classify unmarked information herself. In effect we should ignore the fact that Clinton is one of a handful of people in the United States government charged with having the expertise to know and discern when information is or should be secret.

Essentially we should ignore all of the evidence that confirms that Mrs. Clinton knew that satellite intelligence, information about troop movements, and other sensitive materials on her personal e-mail system were exactly the kinds of knowledge she’d been charged by law to protect.

We should ignore the law: 18 U.S.C. Section 793(f) says this: (f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

We should ignore the law that says the “proper place of custody” for the classified and even unclassified national defense information is a secure government server, computer, or Smartphone.

We should ignore the fact that she displayed “gross negligence” in placing classified information on civilian servers.

We should ignore the fact that she displayed gross negligence in keeping classified information on her personal Smartphone. And ignore the fact that she displayed gross negligence when she handed that same information to her own lawyer.

We should ignore the fact that Mrs. Clinton — working with key aides — ran for her own political convenience a communications system that wasn’t just shoddy or sloppy, but illegal.

We should ignore the fact that all other public servants respect the extraordinary precautions that other government officials take to protect information vital to America’s national security, which includes using entirely separate e-mail systems and storing servers in secured rooms guarded with thick walls and armed personnel.

We should ignore the fact that many others have gone to jail for failing to respect and obey these laws.

We should ignore the fact that it may take years to determine the full extent of the damage Clinton did to our national defense.

Beyond gross negligence we should ignore the fact that actions were intentional. 18 U.S.C. Section 1924 says: (a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. (b) For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a). (c) In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

We should ignore the fact that Clinton’s private server and her personal smart phone were “unauthorized locations” for classified information and when it was obvious she was in trouble we should ignore the fact she ordered others to destroy the evidence.

We should ignore all of this because she is a Democrat. And we all know dozens of Democrats personally, who will ignore all of this.

Ignoring all of this is treason.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The toilet has been flushed, grab the rim

When you watch elected officials on TV and hear them speak, you get the impression that the best you can hope for is the slow drip process of incremental change.

Unfortunately, since the 1960’s and perhaps for longer, that is what we have gotten with only one interruption, a slow drip process where pro-business principles are gradually “compromised” away so Democrats can make people dependent on an ever bigger government. The only interruption came when Reagan slashed tax rates in half and quickly created the strongest economy in sixty years out of the ashes of Jimmy Carter’s continuation of big government over-reach.

Ironically, the Clintons rode the Reagan-engineered prosperity wave and took as much credit for it as they possibly could while criticizing its creator every step of the way.

These days there seems to be one clear distinction that sets non-politicians apart from politicians. Politicians in both parties do not realize how far into the toilet this country has been flushed. There is no sense of urgency on either side. Talk to any Democrat you know. They all think that though we still have some unsolved problems here and there (addressing the fiction of global warming-climate change or racism), but by and large, they feel the country is doing just “fine.”

Or, listen to Mitch McConnell or John Boehner. Do so and you are sure to get sharp criticism of Obama, but certainly no genuine sense of urgency that would cause them to take actions to pull the nation out of the toilet. As the swirling waters continue to drag us permanently into the sewer they propose incremental steps that can only slow the slide deeper into the cesspool.

The bottom line is our political class is really pretty comfortable. They like scrapping for campaign money and clawing for power under the same old rules.

Enter Donald Trump. The one thing that is clear about Trump is that he knows the country has been and is still being flushed down the toilet. His words shock the mainstream media as his harsh words actually connect with millions of people. These people are not connected because they are “angry” as the media claims. They connect because Americans who pay the bills are hanging onto the rim of the toilet to keep from getting flushed into the sewer. 

Nobody seems to get that.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reflecting on the life of Jim Bradley

In 1984 I broadcast my first LCHS vs. Mayfield football game. I would wind up broadcasting nearly two dozen of those wonderful battles over the next thirty-one years. Things changed dramatically ten years after my first broadcast, it all happened when Jim Bradley left Roswell to come back home to Las Cruces. It is almost impossible to overstate the impact Jim Bradley had on the entire community in Las Cruces when he returned.

In the booth with Brad Beasley for a Mayfield - LCHS battle
I remember Jim’s very first state championship after he came home. Of course it was not his first title which came decades earlier at Mayfield. This win, in 1995, came on the road in Clovis. It put the city of Las Cruces on the state football map. It is often said that the state championship continues to go through Las Cruces to this very day.

Many Jim Bradley mourners celebrated that victory over Clovis in 1995 until the wee hours of the morning. We repeated this amazing process many times.

Jim Bradley was more than just a great football coach, a great family man, and a role model for me. He was also a source of complete fascination. I have always been interested in studying ambitious men and women who are able to accomplish great things. And I do not know any other individual on a personal basis who achieved more of his lofty goals and helped others achieve theirs….. than Jim Bradley.

I must have interviewed Jim on the radio at least a hundred times. He always spoke his mind and he always shared his time generously with me. After he stepped down as Mayfield’s head coach he continued to do those pre-game interviews. I cherished those times together because he was so entertaining and so appreciative of the opportunity to share his thoughts.

When I decided to coach tennis at Mayfield in the late 1990’s Jim is the first person I called. Predictably he was very supportive and he shared his insights and his sources with me on how he had helped young people learn and how he motivated them. I took notes during those exchanges and did my best to take advantage of his wisdom.

I particularly remember a trip we made to Santa Fe together to raise money to build the Field of Dreams. I marveled at how adept Jim was at working the political crowd. Some of the most famous people in New Mexico wanted a piece of Jim Bradley and he was able to lever his popularity. In many ways his mere presence helped the entire Field of Dreams Task Force achieve its goal of launching that sports complex. I particularly remember the night Bump Elliott, Jim Bradley, and I had pancakes at two-thirty in the morning after all of the Santa Fe politicking was done on that trip.

Bradley doing what he did best
I never talked to Jim Bradley specifically about ways to improve my business, but I paid close attention to the things he said about focusing on specific tasks and producing success. I tried my best to apply his principles in the workplace. And though Jim never knew it, he had a profound impact on my own success as a business person in this community. I wish I had taken the time to thank him for helping me.

I remember so well one phrase Jim would repeat over and over. It is permanently embedded in my brain and it dominates my attitude about living a successful life to this very day. He said, “When we simply do the ordinary good things, extraordinarily well, we will become a great team.”  It was a profound statement about greatness. These days I repeat the advice often to others.

Jim truly was a student of greatness. He was far more of an intellectual and deep thinker than the stereo-typed football coach.

I remember our fall workouts on the tennis courts. We were right next to the football practice field. I could not help but take a few minutes to leave the courts nearly every day and simply take in the intensity of the Mayfield football practices. It was amazing watching the Trojans run the same play over and over again until they did it perfectly……..NOT ONCE but several times. Jim Bradley loved repetition and he loved practices.  He had a razor sharp tongue and sometimes he would raise the hairs on the back of my neck with the things he barked at players and sometimes even his assistant coaches. Jim was in his element at practice and he was in total command. Practice was sacred. There is no question that Jim Bradley built thousands of very good men out of thousands of very average boys over the course of his life on the practice fields.

The word of Jim’s passing came to me as I was driving on the outskirts of Seattle. I had nearly two thousand miles of driving to reflect on the enormity of his life.

I have lived in Las Cruces for thirty-eight years now. I have known many Las Cruces natives who have gone on to accomplish many great things in their lives.

But there is very little doubt in my mind after reflecting about this individual, that it is Jim Bradley who is the greatest man the City of Las Cruces has ever produced. The reason is not only was he GREAT but he produced greatness in others. This is the rarest of all gifts. And all the proof of this fact regarding Jim is that there are so many people thinking about how he much he affected their lives as they mourn his passing……..…just as I do.

So many lies, so little time

Kristi, Apollo, and I returned from a two week trip to the Pacific Northwest. We visited Renee and Evan and took in some baseball games. Together, over the course of the summer, we logged 4,000 miles on the road and passed through 19 states. We had a chance to visit Baltimore after the riots, Oklahoma and Texas during the floods, and California during the drought and wild fires.

Driving down the highways, I took the time to reflect on all of the absurd things going on in America. Somehow we rational Americans are to believe the most asinine things. We are offered so many stupid ideas that are false. Our leaders and would-be leaders actually expect us to accept things we know to be false. The list of lies and untruths is almost endless.

We liked our health insurance in 2014. It was cancelled late last year. What we were offered was crap. We were lied to by Mr. Obama. He knew he was lying when he lied. He got away with it. John Roberts and his accomplices on the Supreme Court rubber-stamped lying and defecated on what was left of the constitution in June. Words have no meaning.

There were 43 murders in Baltimore in July. The killings were mostly black-on-black homicides. Still we are to believe, according to the news media, that the police are to blame for these killings. We are also to believe that black "activists" think all “black lives matter.” Black Lives Matter protesters select isolated incidents and often try to change the facts related to those incidents (Ferguson). They want to have us to somehow believe that white cops are the problem. Democrats go along with this crap because they eat intellectual crap for breakfast daily. What matters to black activists is the endless search for an excuse to yell, destroy property, and loot.

Two “black lives matter” protesters actually disrupted and cancelled a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle the day before we arrived there. It was comical. The terminally flaccid Sanders stepped aside and surrendered his microphone to rude people. He left the throng that had paid with their time and money to gather and hear about all of the virtues of Marxism. Bernie left them to instead listen to illiterates scream about racism. I wondered where these protesters hang out when the most powerful man on the planet shows up to make a speech. Somehow the news media continues to ignore the irony that we have a black president for all the black lives that "matter."

If you follow all of the disruptions to freedom of speech in Seattle and at college campuses all over the nation, you have to wonder whatever happened to the Democrats, the ACLU, and the defenders of the 1st Amendment. Democrats used to defend the constitution and freedom of speech. Now they accommodate fascism. It is the opposite of what should be. They are lost.

Speaking of surrendering; Obama’s astonishing surrender to Iran was rejected by many Democrats including Chuck Schumer. Before Schumer gave a thumbs down to Obama’s attempt to throw Israel under the ayatollah’s bus, the Appeaser in Chief defended his cowardice by accusing Republicans of playing politics with his non-treaty…..treaty. According to Obama we are to believe people who routinely chant, “Death to America” deserve the benefit of the doubt. No doubt a man of the "world" like Obama thinks the phrase “Death to America” does not really apply to him. He is probably right about that.

When you travel to the east and west coasts of America you realize that there are major population centers all over the country where uninformed stooges willingly swallow intellectual feces. Tens of millions of Americans wake up every day and watch Hillary Clinton pile lies on top of lies. She lies because she thinks every rule and law that applies to every other person in government, somehow does not apply to her. 

We see an American news media (except Fox) contort itself in an effort to turn her ridiculous explanations regarding criminal behaviors that would get others indicted and serving jail time, into one of two sides of a political argument. Hillary should be indicted for crimes against America......period.

Finally, we see this country largely ignore a truly accomplished African American, Dr. Ben Carson. Carson somehow goes pretty much ignored, while the Barnum and Bailey buffoon (Donald Trump) captures the attention of the media (including Fox).

The contrast is stark. Carson worked his way up the ladder in our country the hard way. Trump, who inherited several hundred income producing properties from his daddy while diddling a series of trophy wives, has somehow managed to convince GOP voters his blunt talk and nasty attacks on people who dare to challenge him, has made him what he is......a self-made man.

So there you have it. Democrats know so many things that are not true, embrace absurd lies, and repeat them every day. And far too many Republicans think Donald Trump’s con game is the answer to our problems.

Off the road and back home I pray for America to take a close look at people like Ben Carson and Marco Rubio. We are in deep do-do. The public education-trained news media is a big part of the problem. Time is short and the idea that one of America’s crime families (team Clinton) could be back in the White House is too much to contemplate.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Irony of Planned Parenthood and Cecil

Talk abortion with a Democrat sometime. It is about the only situation where they still want a “choice.” In virtually all other areas of life Democrats are fine with government doing all of the choosing for them. They want government to make the calls on their education, their health insurance, and even whether to approve a silly pipeline.

Almost every conversation I have ever had with anyone regarding abortion usually includes the caveat that they are “personally” opposed to abortion. However, when it comes to making it illegal to snuff out the life of a viable but unborn  baby, virtually all Democrats do an intellectual back flip and find an interest in “personal freedom” (not the baby’s personal freedom).
Democrats love to cite rape and incest as the reason why abortion should stay legal, knowing full well almost every abortion has nothing to do with rape or incest.

Abortion discussions are taboo. Any discussion is pretty much a philosophical debate these days. This is because for the most part, the laws regarding abortion are settled. It seems the courts think we have a constitutional right to kill babies even though deciding whether or not we want to buy health insurance ……well you know. We can't bear that burden anymore.

The only real question left on abortion is not whether a woman can get one, but at what stage in the pregnancy should it be considered murder. A Philadelphia abortionist went to prison for committing infanticide a couple of year ago. It turns out he was killing late term babies that were completely viable. The testimony on how he killed them was chilling. Still the pro-abortion activists opposed that baby killer’s conviction. So obsessed are they with a woman’s “right to choose” they feel that so long as any baby is still somewhere inside the woman’s body, even coming down the birth canal, the woman should be allowed to kill it. The reason we know this is true is you can never get a Democrat to give you a straight answer or a vote on the question at what point in the gestation period should abortion be illegal. You can start at four months and work your way up to eight months and twenty-nine days. Democrats will always lay it off on some nameless doctor to make a life or death call. Of course we all know any woman can find a doctor at Planned Parenthood willing to give her permission to kill her baby. It seems that only prosecutors stand in the way of doctors willing to kill babies who are virtually ready to be born.

If you haven’t heard about the Planned Parenthood video where the clinic head is discussing the process of selling the body parts from the babies they have killed, you can thank the media. Except for the dastardly Fox News, the coverage has been muted. Suffice to say there is no outrage within the ranks of Democrats over the way Planned Parenthood has been routinely harvesting baby organs from the babies they kill. The idea that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts in the open market suggests they have a financial incentive to kill babies.  This is the sort of practice you would expect to see in a documentary on Nazi doctors in Jewish concentration camps, not something that falls under the general protection of “a woman’s right to choose.” It is astounding what people will go along with.

OK enough about baby killing. So what if Democrats don’t care about dead babies? You know, we are talking about taking away a woman's right to choose. Are Democrats heartless and unconcerned with life simply because they look the other way on dead babies?

No sir. Democrats are most certainly not heartless and they certainly do care. It seems that just yesterday one of the top news stories struck a nerve, even with the pro-choice leaning crowd. It seems that Cecil the Lion was killed over in Africa by a macho Minnesota dentist. Most certainly this is a story that bothered pretty much everyone. Kristi and I were troubled by the story.

There is more than a fair amount of irony in the fact that Democrats can draw distinctions that allow them to bemoan a lion getting killed in Africa, but justify in their own minds the reality that late term babies are now being butchered in America and their body parts are being sold at fair market value.

Finally, a pro-business stance by Democrats!

Friday, July 17, 2015


Is this guy stupid or are his biases in favor of radical Islam coming more into full view? Take your choice. And make no mistake, those are the choices.

The Commander in Chief insists on asinine restrictions imposed on American military service personnel on U.S. bases so they are disarmed. Mr. Obama has no compunction about leaving them defenseless, once again, to be shot by a jihadist in Tennessee. No doubt he will call it workplace violence requiring more gun control instead of radical Islamic terror inside our borders.

Recently Mr. Obama made a deal he is bragging about. He made it with a nation that has a parliament that routinely chants, “Death to America.” 

Obama traded a bunch of Taliban murderers for one American traitor (Bowe Bergdahl), who was a known deserter. “We don’t leave Americans behind," was Obama's explanation when it was clear he made a bad trade. No doubt the murderers he released for a disgraceful deserter, who was openly hostile to America, are trying to figure out how to kill more Americans right now.

Right now there are four Americans, including a Christian pastor and a reporter, who actually have been abandoned by Obama in Iran. One has to figure they are not as valuable as an American hating deserter. They could have been a toss-in concession by the Iranians as a show of good faith by a bad faith nation in Obama's latest "deal." Nope, Obama says they were not part of negotiations that will not only lift an arms embargo against Iran, but will also let Iran continue to develop nuclear weapons. Is this guy stupid or is he evil?

Why wouldn’t Obama and Kerry simply demand that Iran return four Americans in exchange for the lifting of an arms embargo? I am leaning towards evil. Nobody can be that stupid. Iranians don't value human life. They would have released them with a chuckle.

It is as if Obama does not care about our national interests or doesn’t know what they are. He constantly provides assists to people who obviously want to kill us. How does this keep happening?

The U.S. news media, which is essentially a group of un-elected Democrats still ignores the obvious contradictions in everything Obama does.

Here is what the man who was to unite America actually does as a matter of routine. Obama treats terror-sponsoring Iranian mullahs like people he would like to strike up a new bi-partisan power sharing partnership with. And he treats the duly-elected GOP Congress like a pack of Osama bin Ladens.

Obama is either the most evil human being to ever occupy the White House or the dumbest. The only thing more nauseating than watching Obama unilaterally defy logic is to watch Democrats incapable of realizing how much destruction is taking place right under their ignorant noses.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The helpless

Kristi and I had my father-in-law over for Friday night and portion of Saturday. He was recovering from some minor surgery.

A partisan Democrat his entire life, Dave’s bitter dislike of Republicans and the enduring comfort he has with the idea that no matter what the problem is, more government is the best solution reared its head again yesterday.

It does not seem to matter how many times we resist the bait to argue with him he can’t help but toss out a barb with some bait on it. Yesterday it began when he said he could not imagine the “fourteen pygmies” visiting Alamogordo. Confused we asked him what he was talking about. He alluded to the fourteen announced candidates seeking the GOP nomination for president.

Like a movie that comes on TV that I have already seen and know to be poorly written and poorly thought out, I realized this story was back on again and I could not simply change the channel. So I took the lure as my cue to exit the room and do a few of my chores in the back of the house.

Well, later yesterday Kristi admitted after I walked out she took the bait. She said eventually when prompted by her father, she explained to him that she was a card carrying libertarian who wanted an end to big government interfering in so many aspects of her life.

Eventually, she said, Dave did what every Democrat does when questioned about the wisdom of thinking more government is the solution to every problem. He asked Kristi about what her duty was to help the helpless in society.

Of course there is always plenty more going on right under the surface anytime a Democrat throws out a question about the helpless. First, they think before America began this long march toward an ever bigger government, the helpless never got any help. Second, Democrats always imply that if you do not support more and more government, you don’t care about the helpless. Or if you do care a little, you certainly don’t care as much as they do. They do this because "compassion" is a badge of self-congratulatory pride that every Democrat feels entitled to wear. And they point to it directly or indirectly every time someone questions whether more and more government authority over all aspects of our lives is wise. At their core they want non-Democrats to feel morally inferior due what they Democrats see as a serious lack of compassion for the helpless.

A basic statistic about American society tells you all you need to know about how far proponents of big government (Democrats) will go to make government even bigger and then more big. You would get little argument from those who brag about their deep sense of compassion (Democrats) that a basic responsibility of the non-helpless would be to contribute the pool of resources used to help the helpless.

Actually, you could not get much of a debate started on this point with Republicans either. Everyone I know of, Democrat and Republican alike, thinks that helping the helpless should be the duty of every citizen who is not helpless. This explains why American is the most charitable nation on earth. Oh by the way, studies also show repeatedly that Republican voters give larger percentages of their income to charity than Democrats.

So everyone agrees that we all need to help the helpless right? Not really. Things get tricky now. It seems that when you take a look at the actual cash receipts flowing into the pool of resources (the federal budget) that go to help the helpless, almost ½ the entire nation gets a pass. One half of all American adults pay nothing into the sacred pot that is used to help the helpless. In a sense, since ½ of the citizens in our country are not assigned any role in helping the helpless at all; in the eyes of Democrats 1/2 of all Americans are deemed to be too helpless themselves to help the helpless with even a small portion of their income. No, instead of asking everyone except the truly helpless to contribute, Democrats scream UNFAIR and call on just half the adults in the country to foot the entire bill. They also repeatedly suggest those who are already paying the entire bill should pay even more since we, according to Democrats don't do enough for the helpless.

When you think about the way pathetic shirking of duty by nearly half of all Americans is not a scandal, you realize that it is not so much "compassion" that distinguishes Democrats from all others; it is how Democrats define what a citizen’s basic duties are. And according to their overblown sense of “fairness,” it is entirely fair that 1/2 the country should get a free pass on the burden of helping the helpless.

Democrats are not really qualified to have a discussion about what reasonable public policy is with me. This explains why, once I realized who the fourteen pygmies were in the conversation yesterday, I headed off to take care of some of my household duties rather than engage.

Don't get me wrong. I believe every American has the right to freedom of speech and also the right to be wrong. However compulsory listening to twisted and convoluted bullshit is not required in the family nor is it the law of the land......yet.