Something I learned from watching presidential election cycles a long time ago is something the drones in the Republican Party still haven’t learned. Skin color and ethnicity matter. These things may not matter to your typical pro-business GOP’er, but they matter to the majority of voters. And they matter a lot.
In the 2012 election, GOP voters saw in Mitt Romney a guy who knew how to raise living standards for everyone. Romney already had a long record of accomplishment with turnarounds. America needs a turnaround. America does not need more acceleration in the wrong direction. Romney’s success record is evidenced by the amount he paid in income taxes. What he contributes to the federal government feeds a large army of unproductive bureaucrats. What he gives away to charity boggles the mind. Given the stagnation in the American economy, not unlike what we saw under Jimmy Carter, America could use a leader who knows how to create more wealth, instead of another one who thinks confiscating existing hard-earned wealth is the same thing as creating more of it.
Millions and millions of American voters did not see a top notch problem solver with the skill set needed to solve our most pressing national problems when they considered Romney last year. What they saw was a “rich white guy.” Their impression of Romney was exactly what every living standard killing socialist in the Democratic Party and mainstream media wanted them to see. Democrats play the voter manipulation game well……much better than Republicans. But they have an Achilles heel.
Ted Cruz |
America’s main problem is Republicans fall for the same old trick over and over again almost every election. It would be so simple to short circuit the plans of big government socialists who are now dominating the Democratic Party. Instead of the GOP getting smart, they stay dumb. As a result, Democrats continue to slowly but surely destroy everything America has going for it.
Why does this happen? It is because Republicans don’t understand the masses. Accordingly, they do not nominate enough Hispanic or black candidates to assure they win majorities. Sadly, GOP voters live in their own ethical worlds. And unlike the false stereotypes portrayed by pop culture, Republicans don’t have much in the way of feelings about skin color. They listen to what candidates say, apply ethical standards, and vote accordingly. All Republicans (white or otherwise) work side-by-side with minority members. They socialize with minority members, marry minority members, and often vote for minority candidates. But most Republicans do not fully understand how most minority members can be expected to vote when they are offered a choice of a Hispanic, Black, or white candidate. Republicans vote for the people they prefer regardless of skin color or ethnicity. Black and Hispanic voters lean very heavily towards members of their own “groups.” They have been conditioned to do so for decades.
Susana Martinez |
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