A few days ago I posted a column on how stupid the GOP is concerning how to deal with race in politics. In the end the suggestion was made that the Republican party seek out and nominate all minority candidates until the race baiting con game Democrats play becomes the joke it should be by now.
No doubt there are uphill battles in fighting the Democrats propaganda machine. The state run education system and the grossly biased mainstream media isn’t about to talk about color-blindness within the GOP. You are never going to learn why blacks like Tim Scott, Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Star Parker, J.C. Watts, Crystal Wright, Charles Payne, Ken Blackwell, La Shawn Barber, Herman Cain, Antony Davies, Lurita Doan, Niger Innis, Cherylyn Harley LeBon, DeRoy Murdock, Harry Jackson Jr., Allen West, Armstrong Williams, Ben Carson, Alan Keyes, Mia Love, Rod Paige, Condoleeza Rice, Michael Steele, Lynn Swan, Clarence Thomas, T.W. Shannon, Wayne Dupree, Deneen Borelli, Jesse Lee Peterson, Angela McGlowan, Shelby Steele, Ward Connerly, Mychal Massie, Robert George, Janice Rogers Brown, Roy Innis, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Alfonzo Rachel, Erik Rush, and thousands of other black Americans know that Democrats are destroying the nation. Hell, the vast majority of Americans don’t even know a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the landmark Civil Rights legislation of the mid-1960’s then Democrats. Most journalists don’t know this fact either.
Unfortunately if you hate the poison of socialism you can keep adding to your lamentations about the utter incompetency of the GOP strategies. With the Syria question in full view we see that bad Middle East policies can be added to the list of things the GOP is stupid about. Sure, Senator Obama and most Democrats said they were opposed to dumb Middle East policies at one time. However, now that the U.S. military is the Democrat's toy President Obama and most Democrats have done a 180 and are now embracing dumb Middle East policies. This makes them and their blindly loyal supporters hopeless hypocrites who should never be trusted.
What about the hapless GOP? It seems Republicans will never learn their lessons. They insist on being consistently stupid on foreign policy. Republicans made a mistake on Iraq and they won’t admit it. These days GOP fools like John McCain and Lindsay Graham think sticking American noses, treasure, and soldiers in the middle of a radical Muslim-on-Muslim civil war is a good idea. How dumb can they be? Not much dumber is the answer.
It would seem we have two choices in the next election. We can vote for hypocritical liars (Democrats) or hopeless foreign policy fools (GOP). Seemingly both share the same views on interfering with a process that has our enemies killing each other in the Middle East.
On the other hand Democrats also want more socialism while the GOP wants less. At least the GOP isn’t stupid on virtually everything.
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