Friday, September 20, 2013

Another 13 shot in Chicago.......look who still doesn't care

The City of Chicago has been controlled by Democrats for decades. Democrats get pretty much whatever laws they want passed in Chicago. The Chicago school teachers, through their unions, have the most generous compensation packages in the country. They are well paid to educate the population. Over the years Democrats in this Midwestern behemoth have passed some of the most strict gun control laws in the nation. Chicago is the now the murder capital of America.

Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy who suffered a gunshot wound to the head, were shot at a Chicago park in the predominantly black Back of the Yards neighborhood last night. The urban warfare sent more than a dozen people to local hospitals. Police said two teens, and 10 adults were also hit with gunfire. The three year old boy suffered a gunshot wound to the head at an ear that exited through his mouth. He was in critical condition at Mount Sinai Hospital.

News film footage indicated most, if not all of the victims were black. Still, don’t expect Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, President Obama, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, or CNN to spend much if any time covering or even commenting on this story. Why? There probably isn’t a white or white-Hispanic man involved in these shootings who can become a target. Still, all of these people got shot and the three year old is probably maimed for life but…..there’s no race angle, no chance for a press conference, no chance for a justice for 13 shoooting victims march, no fund raising, no television rating so…….why would you expect these self-described leaders to actually care or admit the gun control thing isn't working in Chicago?

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