Thursday, September 19, 2013

Arrogance: "Who cares if we got the science wrong?"

Oh the glory and wonder of using your noble ambitions (and other people’s lowered living standards) to fund things that make you feel so good about your compassion.
There are very strange things afoot with the so-called “climate change” movement these days.
What the actual data tells us is that global temperatures have not risen for almost two decades. This pause in “global warming” completely defies all of the doomsday models by "environmental scientists" who were predicting worldwide global warming induced calamities by now.
The religion of climate change gets propped up with mandatory tithing every time the collection plate gets passed. This means stupid carbon taxes, burdens on the coal industry, efforts that concentrate populations in already disgustingly over-crowded urban centers and grants to insatiable "scientists" in the government-run education system to develop new programs that further indoctrinate young people to believe in the faith.

Even in Las Cruces the dolts in charge of public policy at City Hall have bought every single one of the ridiculous warming predictions made over the last thirty years. We pay millions for bike paths and bike racks. Near empty busses circle the city all day. Former Governor Richardson spent many billions of New Mexico taxpayer dollars during his tenure because he wanted people in Albuquerque to ride very costly trains to Santa Fe. Like all the rest of the previously mentioned schmucks, Big Bill wanted to "save the planet" from the warming that has never materialized.
Now the global warming climate change preachers are starting to get nervous. In fact they are so nervous they are changing the parameters and implications of their admittedly bogus assumptions. According to reports in the U.K. there is an IPCC climate change report due out soon. Apparently, in this report UN scientists will concede that their global warming models were not only wrong, they were dead wrong.
According to the Telegraph, a British newspaper, the report will attempt to explain why all of the IPCC’s catastrophic predictions of severe global warming failed to materialize. Apparently, the report will admit that since 1997, world average temperatures have not shown any statistically significant increase. Also included in this upcoming summary is new scientific research that shows between the years 950 and 1250 A.D. (long, long, before the hated Industrial Revolution), parts of the world were as warm for decades at a time as they are now. Hmmm. It seems the earth may have been subject to mother nature's hot and cold cycles all along.
All of this is pretty rich. But not as rich as it is going to be. It seems despite the discredited science and discredited predictions prompted by the discredited science, those on the government dole (getting hundreds of billions of dollars to demonstrate their inability to forecast global temperatures) will offer a new “map” for grant funding decision-maker's consumption. This "map" will purport to show the world areas most susceptible to future climate change. Apparently this new map will be ponied up by the same people who have been dead wrong in the hopes of gathering more taxpayer dollars to rethink everything we just paid perhaps as much as a trillion dollars for.
Politician Al Gore told us the scientific debate was over. And as debate was actually squelched, many real scientists like former Nobel Prize winner Ivar Giaver withdrew his membership from so-called scientific societies that went so far as to squash any ongoing discussion of the data. Unfortunately for these debate squashing pigs feeding at the government grant trough, some people actually remember the whole point of science is to actually figure out how the world really works, not to incorrectly forecast how Kool-Aid sipping progressives would like it to work. 
Finally, we have this asinine tidbit to consider. European Connie Hedegaard, the Commissioner of Climate Change Action—a sort of self-appointed European rent-a-cop on climate change— had the utter gall to say this: “So what if we got the science regarding the earth’s temperature wrong? Can’t we just be grateful to the climate model without being nitpicky on actual temperature or consequences?”
Sure, Connie, we all love the higher energy costs, the increased joblessness, the green energy bankruptcies, and the lower living standards brought on by bogus predictions of catastrophe and stupid economic policies. We love giving government our hard-earned money to combat a boogieman that does not exist. Many of us have always been skeptical because, 1) we understand the mindset of progressives, 2) we have tracked the data, and 3) we remembered the silly predictions. What did we get for being right? We still get called “DENIERS” by gullible trolls as if we were non-repentant heathens wondering about the legitimacy of faith healing skits at a religious revival held under a tent out in the sticks somewhere.
The only “inconvenient truth” remaining in this self-inflicted public policy disaster is there are still morons everywhere who can count on Democrats at every level of government to provide them with a political home and grant money if they can write a "planet saving" proposal that kills jobs.

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