Friday, September 27, 2013

No wonder gun sales are going through the roof

It is just a few days until Obamacare takes effect for everyone. Well for everyone EXCEPT the governing class. It seems that all these rules and regulations Congress jammed down the public’s throat through behind the scenes deals in the dark of night, no longer applies to Congress members or their staffs. President Obama quietly asked the Office of Personnel Management to "interpret" the law in such a way that Congress is exempt from the tough provisions that apply to the rest of us. Congress did not even have to vote to get out of the deal. Write your Senator or Congressman and you won't get an answer about their slithering. They just slither and ignore inquiries.
Our national news media seems to readily accept without question the idea that Congress can pass laws that they claim are "good for us" but not good for them. This explains why you see all the networks (except Fox) talking about the lack of wisdom of the Ted Cruz filibuster, the horrible accusations Obama hurls at the GOP, and the incredible danger of a government shutdown. The media talks about everything except how Congress has slithered out of the deal they pinned on us.
The lying to pass this calamity took place on an epic scale. However, just this week the president casually admitted the law actually did raise quite a few taxes. This was something he indignantly denied while he was selling it to us. According to Obama during the selling days it was the GOP that was lying about the tax increases. Doesn't anyone remember or care that this is what Obama and the rest of the Democrats did while they told us how good the law would be for "us."
Yesterday Harry Reid called the GOP anarchists. Anarchy is a situation of lawlessness exists. What we have right now is not lawlessness. We have one set of laws for "us" and another set for those who govern us. The last time this sort of appalling arrogance was so widespread King George and Parliament were making all the rules.
If you accept any of the things going on in America as good government, you are certainly on the verge of getting the sort of country you truly deserve. For those who know what fascism is and reject it…….well……it is no wonder weapon sales are going through the roof. Congressional Democrats are fascists because they are using "interpretations" to disobey the laws of the land. One day there are going to be other people who will also choose to disobey these same laws using more forceful means. History does tend to repeat itself.

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