Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Watch both the GOP and Democratic Party slime crucify Ted Cruz

The Democrats lost me thirty years ago when it became apparent they were doing all they could, at various levels of society, to foment anti-business sentiment and push an agenda that would cripple the economy. Forget what Democrats say. Just pay attention to what they do. The only businesses Democrats even bother to give lip services to seem to be the gigantic corporations. They do so because these monsters have the capacity to funnel huge campaign contributions into their coffers.
Ted Cruz
Up until 2008 Republicans had many golden opportunities to capitalize on the race-baiting politics of Democrats. Not a single major election passed without outright accusations against GOP candidates of racism. All Democrats did what was expected of them. They winked, nodded, and agreed any time the race card was played. Those damn Republicans are racists. Of course 2008 saw Barack Obama seal the primary deal on the Clintons with the use of the race card. The Clintons lived by the race card for decades and they died by it five years ago.
The first great time window for the GOP to be the first party to get out in front of the nation’s hunger for minority candidates slipped through its fingers. Why? The GOP is much more color blind than Democrats. So much so they never realized how much race/ethnicity matters to pre-conditioned swing voters. Does the GOP get it now? Probably not.
Take a look at Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz is rapidly becoming the target of a tar and feather campaign in the media. Cruz is charismatic, well spoken, well informed, pro-business, and ooops, he is Hispanic. That fact alone is enough to draw the wrath of the overwhelmingly pro-Democrat media. Toss in the fact that he irritates old goats like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the clueless one (John McCain) and you have a recipe for Cruz to be the target of unparalleled criticism from Washington insiders on both sides of the aisle.
Cruz is already the GOP’s clear best hope to regain the White House in 2016. Pay close attention and watch Republicans idiots screw up their best hope. They do it almost every time.

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