Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who cares?

Ever hear of Jeffrey Babbitt? How about Christopher Lane? Lashawn Marten? Probably not. It is all part of popular culture that the first two men (Babbitt and Lane) will remain relatively obscure. And no doubt the name Lawshawn Marten will also remain obscure. The first two men were white and they were murdered by black men. It happens all the time with no more fanfare than black-on-black murders or white-on-white homocides.

Lashawn Marten actually admitted he killed Babbitt because he was white. Still, don't hold your breath waiting for the self-appointed "race police" to call press conferences and announce Justice for Babbitt and Lane rallies and marches. It simply won't happen. Still, the public (and the media)swallows what is said at these staged events like pigs slurping slop. 
Here's another curiosity. Ever see this language in the Illinois State Statutes? Goals for Utilization of White Male-Owned Businesses. Effective April 3, 2009, Public Act 96-0006 revised the definition of “emerging investment manager.” As a result, the current definition applicable to ISBI is found in 40 ILCS 5/1-109(4) and is defined as “a qualified investment adviser that manages an investment portfolio of at least $10,000,000 but less than $10,000,000,000 and is a “White Male owned business,” as those terms are defined in the Business Enterprise for White Male-Owned Businesses Act.” Of course you haven’t. This type of language in a statute would be struck down by the first federal judge to review it. However, what you could read is section 96-0006 in the Illinois State Statutes. This section specifically EXCLUDES white male-owned businesses from doing business with the State of Illinois.
You can expect no politician to look at the racist Illinois statutes and decry the Jim Crow nature of outrageous race and gender-based exclusions. You can also expect no politician of any color to look at any tragic black-on-white murder, such as the two homocides mentioned above, and suggest to the public if he or she had a relative (fill in the blank on the relationship) he would "look like" Babbitt or Lane.
You can expect very few if any media members to talk about the glaring double standard in this country that now creates a condition where peace-loving Hollywood types would choose to remain silent rather than appear to be "anti-black" for criticizing Barack Obama. Even if the president wants to lob bombs into the middle of the civil war in Syria, Hollywood and the mainstream media keep quiet so as to not appear to be anti-black.
This all reminds me of the devastating film Judgement at Nuremburg. Paraphrased, the first time we allowed people to manipulate and control us for political gain based simply on non-applicable racial grievances, we opened the door to untold forms of atrocities. In less than fifty years the deplorable norm of segregation in the U.S. has been replaced with an equally deplorable toleration of reverse discrimination against white males. These days we see the deliberate sensationalizing of carefully selected deaths. Only the rare white on black confrontation that results in the death of a black is a death worthy of national attention.  

Babbitt and Lane were butchered because they were white. Who cares?

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