Thursday, October 10, 2013

Reality starting to set in

The old adage that anti-business Democrats think most pro-business people are mean spirited is true. And the other old adage is that pro-business people think most Democrats are stupid. This is also true.
The roll out of Obamacare is grand example of why most Democrats are stupid. Suddenly millions of them are starting to realize they have to pay for Obamacare. The only exception is Congress and their staff which arranged for the freebies to actually be free for them only.
It seems that recently the San Jose Mercury News interviewed several Obama supporters. Each was absolutely stupefied as the details of Obamacare became evident. A single woman told the Mercury the cost of her individual insurance plan was going up by $1,800 a year. The paper also interviewed a man who has a family of four. His health insurance costs are going up roughly $10,000 a year.
The best interview of all, which illustrated so clearly why pro-business people think Democrats are stupid was conducted with a woman named Cindy Vinson. Vinson actually said, “Of course, I want people to have health care, I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.” Doh!
Vinson, an Obama supporter is so clearly devoid of even a basic understanding of economics it is disturbing. Let's be fair. Maybe she is simply totally uninformed because she is the product of a horrible school system that has been controlled by Democrats for decades.
Still one has to wonder about common sense. Did this woman not comprehend the sheer absurdity of government claiming it could make something as expensive and valuable as healthcare free? Who did she think was going to pay all of those extra hours for highly trained doctors and nurses?
Knowing how stupid Americans have become, is the reason why many of us have dreaded the arrival of a con-artist like Barack Obama on the political scene for a long time. Obama has exploited the stupidity of America like nobody ever has. He convinces uninformed Americans he can reward Democratic constutuent groups with favors and gifts. And he brazenly claims he can do it without a cost.
The folly of this highhacking of our healthcare system is just the beginning. As this healthcare disaster unfolds more and more Americans are going to start to realize what they have done to those of us who knew all along and everyone else. It is the price we pay for being surrounded by stupid uninformed people.

1 comment:

  1. There are truly no limits to the stupidity of American voters. This is just the beginning. Many democrats continue to say and believe that there's no cost for the president's healthcare takeover. It's comical to listen to them spew their asinine comments. The education system no longer teaches young people how to think but instead teaches them what to think. History teachers and political science educators routinely lace tests with politically motivated questions. Students that answer test questions that defy historical facts and effectively embrace leftist propaganda are rewarded with higher test scores. Very often, students who don't express or embrace liberal propaganda are punished with lower grades. This is how America ends up with voters who can easily be conned by one political party which passes prohibitively unaffordable government programs that not only fail to achieve their stated objective but con their constituents into believing there's no cost to them. At the state and federal level this is a very common theme. It would take generations to reverse the damage that exists in our education system. Know this, in the next presidential election the democrats will use the media to successfully blame republicans for the economic damage caused by the passing of Obamacare and convince the American electorate that they are blameless for passing the law. In addition to that, democrats will successfully convince voters that Obama's eight years of failed economic policies are the fault of republicans. That is how stupid the American electorate has become. The typical voter's sole source of information is derived from 15 second sound bytes dispensed by the extension of the White House propaganda machine also known as the "White House press corp".
