Tuesday, November 19, 2013

No more politics

Site visitors might notice an absence of posts on the U.S. political environment the last couple of weeks. The reason is I have committed to taking a semi-permanent sabbatical from political discussion.
There are at least a couple of reasons for suspending political discussions. The first reason is that I am angry with every American who chose through his or her vote to surrender our freedoms to elected officials who are basically fascists. The term fascist applies perfectly to Mr. Obama and those who enable him. He is like a child who has been allowed to lie without challenge for nearly five years. He simply makes things up as he goes along. Now he lies about his previous lies.
To Mr. Obama and those who support him, the rule of law is subject to whatever he says it is. Only citizens committed to blind obedience could tolerate everything we see.
The second reason for stopping further discussion of politics is tied to the first. If you have visited this site and you still don’t understand these behavioral patterns:
The Fast and Furious gun running scandal at the DOJ that led to murders, the IRS’s shameless assault on freedom of speech and assembly, the Labor Dept.’s crass manipulation of unemployment figures just prior to the 2012 presidential election, the DOJ’s cynical legal battles to insure that fraudulent votes can still be cast in elections by blocking voter ID laws, the relentless push to balloon the food stamp rolls in America, the deliberate abandonment of the diplomatic officials in Benghazi that led to murders, the startling efforts to convince the world we should be allowed to bomb Syria, our government’s hapless attempt to run the health care system in America, and the very generalized attacks on the attitudes of “white suburban housewives” for questioning the shameful indoctrination practices of the Department of Education in public schools……..then nothing that I might add on the subject to this site will ever wake you up to the cold hard truth that our nation is now in the hands of the most dangerous people in U.S. history.
No, it is best that we not discuss politics on this site anymore. From now on I will post pictures of family outings and keep you posted on the doings of the Spences in Las Cruces. If you are still happy with your vote for Mr. Obama and those who enable him, I find it extremely unpleasant to keep repeating my views of just how completely stupid you are. Enough already.

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