Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Presidential history buffs can only shrug

Multi-Generational Dysfunctions traceable to Stanley Dunham

Over the years I have become something of a presidential history buff. I can name all forty-four presidents in order. We have had some great presidents over the last 225 years. We have also had some very good ones, average ones, below average ones, terrible ones, and also a few who were unfit for their enormous responsibilities. None emerged from backgrounds where they had achieved very little. None consorted with people who would change America into a Soviet Union-styled state. But these are strange times. The story below provides the kind of context many people need to understand exactly what has been going on in America lately.

A young boy named Stanley was traumatized terribly and then abandoned way back in1926. At just eight years of age Stanley Dunham discovered his mother's body after she had committed suicide. Shortly thereafter Stanley's father abandoned the traumatized boy, leaving Stanley in the care of his maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas.

Stanley was psychologically devastated by his mother’s suicide and perhaps more so by the subsequent abandonment by his father. Not surprisingly, Dunham became a very troubled and rebellious teenager.
Eventually he punched his high school principal and left school. He became an unproductive drifter, hopping rail cars to Chicago from Kansas, then on to California. He was mad at life and disillusioned with America.

Eventually Stanley returned to Kansas. At the age of 20, he married a young girl named Madelyn Payne on the night of her senior prom.

Just before leaving to fight in World War II in 1942, Stanley impregnated Madelyn. A little girl was born to the couple on November 29, 1942. Because Stanley only wanted
a son he insisted on giving his daughter a boy’s name…..Stanley Ann Dunham.

Madelyn, Stanley, and Stanley "Ann" Dunham
Given a boy’s name Stanley Ann Dunham endured endless childhood ridicule by other children. Adding to her difficulties was the fact that after her father Stanley returned from the war, the Dunham's bounced around the country for 15 years - moving to California, back to Kansas, on to Seattle, then to Mercer Island, Washington, and finally on to Hawaii.
Stanley was teased relentlessly about her boyish name by both the boys and girls at every new school she attended. The instability of constantly moving and the constant reminder that her name proved her father wanted a boy combined to turn young Stanley Ann into a deeply troubled youth, just like her father. Predictably, Stanley Ann Dunham became a very rebellious teenager, disillusioned with her peers and America.
By the age of 17 Stanley Ann realized it would be easier to simply go by "Ann." Ann was well on her way to disassociating herself with a society that teased her mercilessly. She did what many particularly troubled and rebellious types do. She thumbed her nose at the American system, its basic values, and embraced Marxism.

Ann Dunham poses nude for Davis (right)
While still in her late teens Ann took up with a radical communist named Frank Marshall Davis. Besides bashing America at every turn with Marshall, Ann posed naked for him in photo sessions. She also had sexual relations with other older black men and also with women including Marshall’s own wife. 
In 1960 Ann became pregnant by one of two black men she was consorting with. The sire of her child was either Frank Marshall Davis or a Kenyan man.
A quick glance at the pictures of Ann’s primary suitors (below) tells you all you need to determine which communist sired Ann Dunham’s first child. Barack Obama II looks nothing like his alleged Kenyan father. However, he resembles Frank Marshall Davis very much.

Before the child was born Ann claimed the father was the son of the Kenyan, a Marxist named Barack Obama. Ann had met Obama in a Russian language class.

Obama was a philanderer and a bigamist. He had his own wife and children back in Kenya at the time he was having sexual relations and then subsequently impregnating Ann Dunham.
Little "Barry" as Barack Obama was known, experienced his first major abandonment at age four. He was abandoned by his Kenyan father less than four years into the unlikely bigamist marriage to his mother. Obama Sr. returned to Africa and his other family in 1964. Barry would only briefly see his alleged father once again. That would be four years later in 1968. Barack Obama Sr. died in an automobile accident fourteen years later in 1982.

Barry’s mother remarried soon after Obama Sr. left for Kenya. Her husband this time was an Indonesian man, Lollo Soetero. The couple moved to the Pacific island nation in 1965. It was to be another troubled marriage. Ann and Lolo divorced fifteen years later in 1980.
While living in Indonesia Ann hired a nanny named Evie to stay with Barry. The nanny was also a transvestite and prostitute.

Just as his mother was, young Barry Soetero (he took his stepfather’s name) was also bullied by his classmates in all of the various schools he attended. He was the only mixed race kid in most of the Indonesian schools he attended. Rejected by his peer groups Barry was an outcast at an early age and the anger he harbored towards those who offended him tended to define his world view.

After Barry’s mother had a baby girl with her new husband, in her mind Barry became disposable. Not long after the birth of his half-sister she dumped Barry leaving him with her dysfunctional parents in Hawaii. Now twice abandoned, Barry was no doubt deeply traumatized by the pain of being rejected by his mother, as would any young boy.
Ann’s psychologically troubled father Stanley, Barry’s Grandpa, became a major center of influence in Barry’s life. When he was a teenager Stanley introduced him to a communist bi-sexual named Frank Marshall Davis. Davis actually bragged about his sexual deviances in a book entitled "Sex Rebel Black", written under the pen name of Bob Green. In lurid detail, he described 3-way sex sessions between himself, his wife, and a young girl named "Ann." No doubt the Ann in the book was Barry’s mother. Davis, an avid pornographer, was the man who had sex with and took nude photographs of young Ann Dunham, Barry’s mother.

The physical similarities between Frank Marshall Davis and Barry suggest he was his real father all along. Davis became a mentor to young Barry in Hawaii.

By the time Barry was a teenager he had by his own admission, morphed into an embittered person and a very lazy student. He was also a heavy drug user. By the end of high school, the generations of family dysfunction including the abandonment by both his mother and alleged father had a tremendous impact on the radical person Barack Obama would become.
After his high school years, Obama went on to become a self-described mediocre college student at Occidental College in California. 
During the 1980’s young Mr. Obama got connected with the help of Frank Marshall Davis to a couple of politically ambitious communists working behind the scenes in Chicago, Illinois. 

During the 1980's, Davis arranged for "Barack Obama Jr." to join the subversive Chicago-based communist network of Professor William Ayers. 
William Ayers and his wife, fellow communist Bernadine Dohrn, were former FBI fugitives and founders of the Communist / terrorist group known as the Weather Underground. They were connected to murders, robberies, and other violent crimes.

Thanks to reverse discrimination policies better known as “affirmative action,” Barack Obama gained entrance to Harvard Law School. He was chosen over many more qualified applicants with higher academic credentials. It was the beginning of a charmed life for Obama, a life in which being of mixed race and embracing his minority half would open doors wide......doors that would have normally been closed to someone with such limited work ethic and lack of academic achievement.

Not long after graduating from Harvard Law School, Obama soon began his first political campaign in the Chicago living room of former terrorists and active communists Ayers and Dohrn.
Jeremiah Wright
When Obama returned to Chicago he also acquired an additional mentor. The Marxist Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was a man who specialized in finding women to marry the professional men who frequented his church. Wright took Obama under his wing. Wright began to indoctrinate him into an ideology/religion known as Black Liberation Theology.
By this time both Obama and his future wife Michele Robinson who he met through Wright, were angry at America. They both attended his church for nearly two decades. There is actually no record of any other women in Obama's life prior to Michele Robinson.
Few men would marry a woman as angry as Michele. Her writings at Princeton reveal a level of contempt for America that would be alarming to any reasonable person.

What are the implications of all of these biographical facts regarding Barack Obama? 

Barack Obama levered his mixed race background and America's sympathy for the sins of the past in the area of race. While America has no doubt produced tens of thousands of black men (or mixed race men) capable of being president, Barack Obama never had the work ethic to become presidential timber. Unlike others who emerged from the depths of poverty thanks to their strong work ethics and a strong family, Obama is the product of several generations of severely dysfunctional families.

Both sides of his family tree provide casebook studies in patterns of regrettable behaviors. There are suicides, repeated abandonments of children, multiple relocations during children’s formative years, polygamy, drug and alcohol abuse, as well as sexual perversions. When combined with drug use and a lack of academic achievement or work ethic, these are more likely to be the behavioral backgrounds that produce violent convicted criminals.

For Obama, embracing anti-American views with a particular dislike for white Christian entrepreneurs was his choice avenue for rebellion. People of these backgrounds became the blame receptacle for all that he saw through the lenses of his communist mentors.

To cope with the pain and low self-esteem of his multiple childhood abandonment traumas, the Obama ego created a false Superman self image for himself long ago.

Early in Obama’s second term America is finally taking note of all the glaring narcissistic personality disorders of Mr. Obama. There should be no surprises here. These normally come with the sort of personal baggage he has.

For anyone who cared to investigate, the facts on Obama were always available. Ironically, most Americans chose to look the other way with the help of a naive media. The truth is Obama is like the Frankenstein monster of Mary Shelley's classic novel. America simply never investigated this man. Instead, intimidated by the specter of being called racist, America gave him power and took far too long to come to understand him. Obama is seething with rage at a society which he blames for the pain of his dysfunctional childhood. 

For several years, Americans have seemed to be increasingly puzzled and bewildered as it finally becomes obvious their president is proving himself to be a compulsive liar. Americans have been enablers of Obama for a long time now.

What America has yet to completely come to grips with is the fact that Mr. Obama is ruthless. He has no qualms about killing. This explains his willingness to continue drone attacks in the Middle East and his amazingly quick trigger finger when it comes to the use of the military in Libya. His failed efforts to bomb Syria are evidence of an attitude of reclessness. In the warped self-important world of Obama, if he wants to take someone “out” with a drone, he will do it. This actually puzzles all of America's terminally naive progressives.

Slowly now millions of Americans are sobering up to reality. Obama has until January of 2017 to continue “transforming” America. The damage he has done already may well be permanent. For America these are self-inflicted wounds because we allowed progessives to win the political-cultural battle for the heart and soul of the country.

And sadly it is this man, with this amazingly troubling background, who is their choice to guide our future.

1 comment:

  1. Hence the collective intellect of the American electorate and the progressive media in the tank with this Marxist president. Ge, he lied? No kidding? The American electorate is clueless.
