Monday, December 16, 2013

Seven Predictions for Obamacare

It is amazing to see how the news is presented to the American public after it is run through the political bias filters at CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, and various newspapers around the nation.
Last week while the president of the U.S. was indulging himself like a teenager in a so-called “selfie” cell phone photo opportunity with the leaders of Denmark and the U.K. during, get this…….the solemn occasion of Nelson Mandella’s funeral, the facts related to Obamacare continued to turn much more decisively negative. Only the Wall Street Journal, a handful of newspapers, and Fox News are doing any reporting. 
Will Americans tolerate what is unfolding? Polls suggest young people are starting to smell feces, even as the White House makes bogus claims that everything related to Obamacare is improving. For many young people those claims are continuing to smash headlong into reality.
Still, don’t expect any of the news organizations listed in the first paragraph of this post to expose the colossal failure of Mr. Obama’s “signature” achievement. Things are not improving and they will get worse, much worse.
Here are seven predictions for how this idiotic thing plays out.
1)      If you think the premium increases on health insurance are in place think again. They will continue to rocket higher. Both higher deductibles and co-pays are cinches.
2)      Do you really think healthy young people are going to sign up for insurance that is absurdly overpriced in order to subsidize older, sicker people? Think again. What has happened to the economic dynamics in places like Detroit will occur in the health insurance market. Devastation is right around the corner. Higher and higher premiums will be required to fill the cost-reimbursement/risk gaps that are caused by fewer and fewer sign ups.
3)      Americans have only begun to realize in many instances they can't keep their doctors. This will become more evident in the weeks and months ahead. Tens of thousands of the best physicians and hospitals in the nation are not about to settle for the peanuts the central planners have set aside as their just compensation. What's next conscription? Slavery?
4)      While the Obamacare internet interface with the public can’t do anything but improve, thanks to the fact it does not even work yet, the lack of decent back-office processing by lazy bureaucrats faced with complex tasks is about to kick in. When it does it will make Motor Vehicle Departments all over the nation seem as if they are run like well-oiled machines.  Snafus regarding plan eligibility, subsidies, and coverage are a virutal certainty. Screwed up billing and claims processing will become a nightmare for EVERYONE involved.
5)      As many aging doctors walk away from the their professions based on disgraceful way they are being treated by this band of trial lawyers, fewer young people will pursue careers in medicine. This all adds up to longer waits for hospital visits and doctors' appointments. But don't expect the new media to tell you this is baked into our nation's future.
6)      What about the economy? Besides taking serious money out of every working person’s pocket, many small businesses will intentionally avoid having more than 50 full-time employees. This will assure they do not get caught up in mandates. Chronic joblessness and a shrinking workforce will be permanent under this president as it was under Mao.
7)      What will the Obama administration do since it is becoming obvious they can also see this is a train wreck? For starters, they try desperately to delay things until after the 2014 elections. Will this policy catastrophe hurt Democrats in next year’s elections? You bet. How much? It is hard to say. Every news media outlet except Fox is sweeping this absurd unraveling of one of the stupidest ideas in American history under the rug. And our boneheaded public education system has created tens of millions of clueless zombies who don’t seem to care how dumb this man's ideas are.

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