Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An Orgy of Lies at the White House

We now know who originated the lie associated with the deaths of four Americans at the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. It wasn't the CIA or the State Department. It was Mr. Obama's speechwriter Ben Rhodes.
In an email to Susan Rice and many other White House operatives Rhodes laid out what he thought was the best "political" strategy to explain why the U.S. Ambassador and three others were killed by radical Islamic terrorists.
The email, which was understandably held back by the White House instructed Rice on how to lie about the killings on national television in a way to would not reveal the "policy failure."
The CIA was already on the record of saying it had no idea where the anti-Muslim video on Youtube story came from. Well, now we know and every White House operative who was copied on that email knew. They all lied. Some lied to the press, some lied to Congressional investigators, all of them lied to the families of those killed and the American people.
Susan Rice knew a very long time ago that the originator of this lie was Ben Rhodes. She belongs in jail as does Jay Carney.


  1. Frankly, I'm neither shocked or surprised that "Smoking Gun" evidence has been found that evidences the White House's directive to Rice and others to lie about Benghazi. This president routinely lies whenever truth and reality doesn't suit, benefit or support his political and/or ideological agenda. It's as if he really believes his words trump reality. When Jay Carney attempted to tell the White House press corp that the email exposing Ben Rhodes specific instructions HOW to spin the Benghazi lies reminds me of a joke in which a monkey is frantically attempting to re-insert a cork into the backside of a constipated pig relieving itself.

  2. Impeachable offenses have occurred. However, my genuine apprehension to actually impeaching Obama can be summed up in ONE WORD..."BIDEN".
