Monday, April 21, 2014

Daily Rant

This is the inaugural edition of my daily rant:

It seems that the dreadfully clueless Mother Jones website decided Susana Martinez was getting too popular. They did a hatchet job on her. It would seem that all of the Hillary Clinton worshippers at MJ have now discovered that Martinez used a naughty word to describe someone who once ran ads saying "Susana es tejana." In case you are wondering who would do was her election opponent.
This news flash just in from people who worked in the Clinton White House. Apparently Hillary once told them %$#&*@#$% ! ! !  It seems sometimes some of them did not sweeten her coffee properly. No good bastards!
Looks like Oklahoma will send a black senator to Washington next year. T.W. Shannon appears to be a lock to represent the Sooner state. Amazing, with all those racist redneck Okies who live in a red state, you have to wonder how some guy with African heritage will probably win his senatorial election in a landslide. Maybe all those good for nothing fossil fuel using Okies don't know he's black? Wait, they have seen his picture. He was Speaker of the House there. Hmmm? Let's see if the Dems defend Shannon and holler racism when the nasty advertising starts to get run against him. Don't bet on it. He will get as much attention from progressives as murdered black kids in Chicago get. Nada.
Rumor has it Barack and Michelle are squabbling over the "appearance" to voters of her lavish vacations. Purportedly she has spent $150 million of taxpayer dollars on jaunts all around the world since becoming first lady. Contrast that with Susana Martinez selling Bill Richardson's jet as soon as she got sworn in. The news isn't all bad. For only the second time in her life, Mrs. Obama must be proud to be an American!
We still hear about climate change almost every day now that the coldest winter in memory has given way to the coldest spring in memory. No wonder they stopped calling it "global warming" a few years back when the data showed things were not getting warmer. Progressives decided that "climate change" was deliciously vague. Climate change means you can blame anything unusual on fossil fuels without having to predict what it is in advance. Just wait for a storm and blame it on climate change. It is easy! Not so fast. In 2014 we have the slowest start to the tornado season in recent memory. In combination with last year's absence of hurricanes these climate calm conditions may require a new branding of the Democrats favorite political kickback scheme. Maybe the trillion dollar climate study grant proposal game and the subsequent awarding of dollars to political buddies will have to be called something else soon.
Finally, I was speaking to a diehard Democrat yesterday. I am not making this up. He was actually complaining that he had to pay a whopping $4 in federal income tax last week. He said it wasn't understandable because he was "below the poverty line." He quit his job at age 57 and has been living off his IRA. His house is paid for and obviously he is waiting to scoop up some Social Security at 62. He was not moved to a higher level of consciousness about the value of government when I explained to him that he had to do his part to support the government. Apparently he thinks he should be able to have access to all the things government provides to all of us while those who get up and go to work every day pay not just for what they use, but also pay for what he uses. Come to think of it, $4 is just unfair! And he isn't just a Democrat. He is a perfect Democrat.

1 comment:

  1. And I thought you were going to say he's a perfect...well, you know.
