Monday, April 7, 2014

The latest Climate Change Report

The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published another "report" last month. You can bet very few people read it. The headlines regarding the report betray an admission within it that finds all of the preposterous previous predictions made by the same organization to be pretty much wanting.
Grant money is the mother's milk of climate change "scientists." And the 28-page "summary for policymakers," is essentially the begging for billions more in grant money. These hucksters have wised up. Apparently the report authors have decided it is in their best interests to cease all mention of Himalayan glaciers disappearing (they are still here). Gone also is all the finger pointing at hurricanes. It would seem according to the IPCC that these storms, in the aggregate, have shown  no increase in strength or frequency for a hundred years. This a far cry from what we heard just last year from climate change-obsessed Democrats, who pointed to the mess caused by Hurricane Sandy as a reason to destroy the fossil fuel industry and drive energy prices through the roof.
The surface global temperature predictions are also muted in this latest "report."  In fact, some scientific humility has FINALLY begun to creep into the IPCC discussion. Check out this quote: "The innate behavior of the climate system imposes limits on the ability to predict its evolution." Duh. That must explain why all your predictions were bullshit.
Gone also is the prediction of nine years ago that by 2010 there would be "50 million climate refugees." Now the IPCC is telling us this sort of stuff is hard to predict. No kidding. Thanks. Next time just say you were dead wrong about all those mythical refugees.

Amazingly, the IPCC spends time in the report saying, "Existing gender inequalities are increased or heightened by climate-related hazards." This is the IPCC (CC stands for climate change) lead into supporting the left wing politicians who feather the IPCC nest. Believe it or not, in their climate change paper, we read long winded segments about "income inequality and redistribution." These grant-seeking parasites would have gullible readers believe that "inequality and marginalization perpetuate poverty," and somehow these things prevent us from addressing climate issues. Really?
The IPCC suggests that despite the fact they cannot come up with a credible surface temperature prediction yet, they speak of "adaptation funding." It seems we all need to appropriate more to their yet  to be defined climate change needs...... much more MONEY than what the IPCC has gotten in the past.
Listen carefully dummies. This is bureaucrat BS code for "give us more money despite the fact we cannot predict anything accurately."
The IPCC piles on with more calls for sweeping socialism. We are implored to keep subsidizing all sorts of things that don't work otherwise to save the planet.
What is amazing is how ingrained all this stupidity is in the minds of the average Democrat. While Dems parrot over and over that the science of global warming/climate change is settled, the IPCC continues to be forced to back down from one crazy prediction after another. As the years roll by and the sky never quite manages to fall, these professional chicken little-types can still be counted on to call for more money to blow. And Mr. Obama with their campaign contributions in his pocket still talks about climate change every week even though the people collecting billions of dollars to study it.......still don't know what climate change actually means.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Naturally, the climate fruitcakes we know are less inclined to comment let alone address their unquenchable thirst for "Kool-Aid".
