Tuesday, April 1, 2014

There were no protests, it was all a lie

There were no anti-American protests in Benghazi that got out of hand. This is what CIA operatives in Libya told their counterparts in Washington long before the White House began the big lie. Why lie?

The 2012 elections were approaching when four Americans, including the Ambassador, were killed in Libya. The politics seemed pretty simple for the cynical deceivers who work at the White House. Libya was a place Mr. Obama had decided to bomb (with Nobel Peace Prize in hand) to get rid of Ghadaffi. There is no way that the murders of Americans needed to seem like they were a consequence of Obama aggressions in that nation. What was needed instead, was a story, any story. All the story had to do was explain why our people under Hillary Clinton's State Department were left unprotected, even after mayday calls, and slaughtered. The story they told was to blame an anti-Muslim video made in America for the anger of the killers.

Of course, except in a biased American media, outrageous lies have consequences. A drunk with power and arrogant Mrs. Clinton, under the heated questioning that followed her dubious account of the murders finally said, "What Difference Does It Make?" (why they died).

Here is the point. When lying and deceiving the public for political purposes becomes a way of life, it doesn't really make any difference to the politicians what lies they cook up for public consumption. On the other hand, to the families of those brutally killed, it really does matter.

Don't look now America, the press won't hold the liars feet to the fire. Hillary Clinton is the betting favorite to be our next president. Is this what we want?

1 comment:

  1. Democrats who will challenge Mrs. Clinton for the Democratic Party presidential nomination aren't likely to ignore the miserable job and dismal leadership qualities she displayed during her tenure as Secretary of State. You can expect the republican party to expose her significant shortcomings as well.
