Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Irony of Planned Parenthood and Cecil

Talk abortion with a Democrat sometime. It is about the only situation where they still want a “choice.” In virtually all other areas of life Democrats are fine with government doing all of the choosing for them. They want government to make the calls on their education, their health insurance, and even whether to approve a silly pipeline.

Almost every conversation I have ever had with anyone regarding abortion usually includes the caveat that they are “personally” opposed to abortion. However, when it comes to making it illegal to snuff out the life of a viable but unborn  baby, virtually all Democrats do an intellectual back flip and find an interest in “personal freedom” (not the baby’s personal freedom).
Democrats love to cite rape and incest as the reason why abortion should stay legal, knowing full well almost every abortion has nothing to do with rape or incest.

Abortion discussions are taboo. Any discussion is pretty much a philosophical debate these days. This is because for the most part, the laws regarding abortion are settled. It seems the courts think we have a constitutional right to kill babies even though deciding whether or not we want to buy health insurance ……well you know. We can't bear that burden anymore.

The only real question left on abortion is not whether a woman can get one, but at what stage in the pregnancy should it be considered murder. A Philadelphia abortionist went to prison for committing infanticide a couple of year ago. It turns out he was killing late term babies that were completely viable. The testimony on how he killed them was chilling. Still the pro-abortion activists opposed that baby killer’s conviction. So obsessed are they with a woman’s “right to choose” they feel that so long as any baby is still somewhere inside the woman’s body, even coming down the birth canal, the woman should be allowed to kill it. The reason we know this is true is you can never get a Democrat to give you a straight answer or a vote on the question at what point in the gestation period should abortion be illegal. You can start at four months and work your way up to eight months and twenty-nine days. Democrats will always lay it off on some nameless doctor to make a life or death call. Of course we all know any woman can find a doctor at Planned Parenthood willing to give her permission to kill her baby. It seems that only prosecutors stand in the way of doctors willing to kill babies who are virtually ready to be born.

If you haven’t heard about the Planned Parenthood video where the clinic head is discussing the process of selling the body parts from the babies they have killed, you can thank the media. Except for the dastardly Fox News, the coverage has been muted. Suffice to say there is no outrage within the ranks of Democrats over the way Planned Parenthood has been routinely harvesting baby organs from the babies they kill. The idea that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts in the open market suggests they have a financial incentive to kill babies.  This is the sort of practice you would expect to see in a documentary on Nazi doctors in Jewish concentration camps, not something that falls under the general protection of “a woman’s right to choose.” It is astounding what people will go along with.

OK enough about baby killing. So what if Democrats don’t care about dead babies? You know, we are talking about taking away a woman's right to choose. Are Democrats heartless and unconcerned with life simply because they look the other way on dead babies?

No sir. Democrats are most certainly not heartless and they certainly do care. It seems that just yesterday one of the top news stories struck a nerve, even with the pro-choice leaning crowd. It seems that Cecil the Lion was killed over in Africa by a macho Minnesota dentist. Most certainly this is a story that bothered pretty much everyone. Kristi and I were troubled by the story.

There is more than a fair amount of irony in the fact that Democrats can draw distinctions that allow them to bemoan a lion getting killed in Africa, but justify in their own minds the reality that late term babies are now being butchered in America and their body parts are being sold at fair market value.

Finally, a pro-business stance by Democrats!

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