Thursday, August 20, 2015

The toilet has been flushed, grab the rim

When you watch elected officials on TV and hear them speak, you get the impression that the best you can hope for is the slow drip process of incremental change.

Unfortunately, since the 1960’s and perhaps for longer, that is what we have gotten with only one interruption, a slow drip process where pro-business principles are gradually “compromised” away so Democrats can make people dependent on an ever bigger government. The only interruption came when Reagan slashed tax rates in half and quickly created the strongest economy in sixty years out of the ashes of Jimmy Carter’s continuation of big government over-reach.

Ironically, the Clintons rode the Reagan-engineered prosperity wave and took as much credit for it as they possibly could while criticizing its creator every step of the way.

These days there seems to be one clear distinction that sets non-politicians apart from politicians. Politicians in both parties do not realize how far into the toilet this country has been flushed. There is no sense of urgency on either side. Talk to any Democrat you know. They all think that though we still have some unsolved problems here and there (addressing the fiction of global warming-climate change or racism), but by and large, they feel the country is doing just “fine.”

Or, listen to Mitch McConnell or John Boehner. Do so and you are sure to get sharp criticism of Obama, but certainly no genuine sense of urgency that would cause them to take actions to pull the nation out of the toilet. As the swirling waters continue to drag us permanently into the sewer they propose incremental steps that can only slow the slide deeper into the cesspool.

The bottom line is our political class is really pretty comfortable. They like scrapping for campaign money and clawing for power under the same old rules.

Enter Donald Trump. The one thing that is clear about Trump is that he knows the country has been and is still being flushed down the toilet. His words shock the mainstream media as his harsh words actually connect with millions of people. These people are not connected because they are “angry” as the media claims. They connect because Americans who pay the bills are hanging onto the rim of the toilet to keep from getting flushed into the sewer. 

Nobody seems to get that.

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