Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Freedom is a tricky thing

Kristi and I received our first gay wedding invite the other day. I know quite a few so-called limited government conservatives who are having a tough time with the gay marriage thing. While I don’t claim to understand the gay sexual preference, since I am very much pro-freedom, I want the government to stay out of the way of people who want to make promises to each other that are recognized by law.
True freedom lovers should make a firm commitment to demanding freedom across the board. Apparently, the Dona Ana County Republicans have decided to litigate against gay marriage. It is as if they couldn’t think of ten more important things to do with their time and money. Businesses are dying out here while the local GOP chooses to spend money seeking greater government control over others in areas of life where government has no business.
People will sometimes ask me if I am conservative or liberal. My question is who decides which views on each individual issue is a liberal position or a conservative one? We would all be better served using a “bias towards freedom standard.”
Can you pick the gay people out of this Spence family photo?
The “bias towards freedom standard” is pretty easy. It is based on the idea that everyone must always choose freedom so long as what we are allowing does not harm others. Naturally, people who want to CONTROL others will continue to loosely define the term “harm” simply so they can justify enforcing their selfish attitudes on others. Any time Democrats or Republicans attempt to use government to control people who are doing no harm to others they contribute to destroying freedom.
Unfortunately, like so many other things, it seems that freedom is somehow a tricky thing. Democrats demand freedom for gays and late term abortionists, but they resist many simple freedoms required for the survival of business people.  Democrats are also incredibly comfortable taking away the freedom associated with basic property rights. By and large Democrats are economically ignorant hypocrites who are only interested in certain freedoms. They vote for people who advocate taking away freedoms. They willingly accept the miseries created by socialism while trying to hang on to their own special freedoms.
In the end it is amazing to watch both Democrats and Republicans attempt to ration out freedoms based on their biases. If only all Americans made an effort to understand the importance of limiting government and protecting all forms of freedom we would be better off.
I had to laugh when I read where Chris Christie was blasting the libertarians for being too freedom conscious. He should shut up, have another box of Twinkies, and feel “free” to add another hole to his belt. On the other hand, our president has been terminating freedoms for America since his first day in the White House. Obama has destroyed freedom to the cheers of most people in various “rights movements" who are allegedly fighting for something they are uninformed about.......across the board freedoms.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written. Just one question... Where does the bible fit in on this subject, for you? - Jen
