Thursday, October 24, 2013

Because of his race, not in spite of it

There is hardly an adult alive anywhere who hasn’t been involved with someone who says one thing to get what he or she wants, and then purposely fails to live up to their end of the bargain. For sustained progress, honesty and integrity are critical to deals being made that lead to improvements in systems. When people break commitments, trust falls to zero and no future agreements can be made. Politicians who renege on their agreements tend to become isolated because people in both parties do not trust them.
The paragraph above describes Barack Obama on both the world and domestic stage. His about face on Syria sent the Saudis packing. His NSA has engaged in so much spying on U.S. allies that countries like Germany, France, and Brazil have become openly critical. In several countries U.S. ambassadors have been called in to explain the spying.
The good news for Barack Obama is he has been blessed with more political capital and goodwill than any other president in history with the possible exception of George Washington. Where Washington served as a symbol of our victory over the heavy hand of King George, Obama serves as a symbol of our victory over the heavy hand of racism.

In the U.S. an adoring press still gives Obama great latitude with every misstep, false statement, and hypocritical reversal in viewpoint. And his fellow Marxists act at warp speed to drum up race motivation accusations anytime anyone points out how poorly Obama’s Marxist policies are actually working. The news media affords Obama more latitude than any other politician could dream of. And emboldened by this incredible latitude; Obama feels free to enact policies that have a long history of screwing things up instead of making them better. Mr. Obama has known for quite some time that he can get away with reneging on promises, peddling absurd propaganda, and hiding essential facts from Americans without consequence from the press.
Slowly but surely, Mr. Obama’s reputation for having even a shred of honesty in his dealings is diminishing. This is especially true overseas where liars are despised no matter what their race is.
Ironically, it is because of his race and not in spite of it that he was able to take down the Clintons in the 2008 presidential primaries. And it is because of his race, and not in spite of it, that he was rewarded with a second term after spearheading one policy disaster after another.
The betting is that the negative impacts of the atrocity known as Obamacare will continue to be soft-soaped by a still adoring news media (except Fox) in the days weeks and months ahead.

All of these facts add up to one conclusion. Barack Obama is simply put the luckiest man to ever be involved in American politics. He associated himself with some of the most notorious individuals in Chicago. He accomplished little or nothing before he arrived on the national stage. And he never managed anything effectively before or since his arrival. Let's be clear, nobody except the first black president in history could have been re-elected with the Obama record. And yet almost every day we see the race card played to stifle criticism of all the things he does to create failure.

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