Saturday, October 26, 2013

A big lie wrapped around a farce

“If you like your current health insurance you can keep it,” said Barack Obama when he was brazenly marketing his Washington-engineered takeover of the entire healthcare industry.
Does anyone remember this promise? Some of us do. But don’t expect the news media to help us remember anything that Mr. Obama said that turned out to be an outrageous lie. There is much more to this lie.
In recent weeks the media told us the damn Republicans were responsible for the government “shutdown” because they tried to get a delay of the individual mandate to buy health insurance in the law. We were told that to expect the Democrats to allow changes to the president’s “signature accomplishment” was completely unreasonable.
The media also told us Senator Ted Cruz, who is dangerous to Democrats because he is Hispanic, (and establishment Republicans too) was a big jerk because he stood alone on the Senate floor and filibustered legislation in a desperate effort to illustrate the looming disaster of Obamacare.
Cruz wasn’t just demonized by the media and Democrats. The shrillest attacks on Cruz came from mainstream Republicans in Washington who seem to be rather fat and mostly happy with just being there and having a lofty title. The fact that they never accomplish anything is not really all that important.
Let’s fast forward this absurd multi-act television comedy a few frames. The shutdown that occurred as a result of an effort to change Obamacare ended. Republicans surrendered and Democrats got more immoral borrowing (their words) and a lift on the debt ceiling. It seems that without further discussion the Democrats can now feel free to spend just as recklessly in the future as they have in the past.
But wait. There is even more.
Over the last ten days millions of Americans have received notices that their health insurance is being cancelled. These notices provide the proof millions of people need to now know the most basic promise of Obamacare has turned into the biggest lie in memory.
The truth is this; If you like your current health insurance….tough. You are now subject to cancellation thanks to Obamacare. And to add insult to injury, if you don’t turn right around and buy pricier health insurance through the government, you will be your government.
 But wait a minute! There is more.
Even after three years and half years, and higher insurance prices, the federal government can’t even manage to sell most people health insurance who try to buy it from them on their website. Try to get bureaucrats on the phone and tape recorders send you back to the lousy website.
 So this is Mr. Obama's “signature accomplishment?” Is this law any good? Well, Corporate America has already managed to get granted a one year “delay” from the shackles of Obamacare. And the Senate and House Democrats have insisted on exempting themselves entirely from the costs of Obamacare.
It turns out the Republicans, who supposedly, according to our media, lost the public relations contest during the shutdown, were merely trying to obtain a delay for individuals.
Two weeks after the shutdown ended, health insurance rates are skyrocketing even more. People are pissed about this. Health insurance policies are being cancelled. People are livid about this. And after refusing to provide relief from a disaster Democrats caused on a straight party line vote, many of them are suddenly demanding the same changes Republicans were asking for less than a month ago.

What would the media have us believe about all of this?

1)      Ted Cruz is the anti-Christ for fighting for changes.
2)      The Tea Party groups are racists and they caused the government shutdown.
3)      Democrats are to be commended for getting mad about a law they passed on a straight party vote.
4)      Now that it is clear that Obamacare, which paved the way for government to manage health care in America, is a total disaster, we should listen to what the Democrats say next......because they are starting to get “concerned.”

If you are relying on the news media to know what is going on you are too stupid for words. But you could re-read this post a couple of hundred times until what has been going on finally sinks in.

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