Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reality is setting in

“If I don’t like your current health insurance, you can’t keep it.” That was what Mr. Obama meant when he instead made this outrageous promise; “If YOU like your current health insurance you can keep it.”

As millions of Americans get cancellation notices on their current health insurance policies they should realize they are now getting exactly what the “majority” of lemmings in this nation voted for.

Accordingly, it is big government that is now going to choose your insurance for you. And big government is going to give you exactly what it thinks you need and it is going to tell you how much to pay for it. The reason why government is in charge is because you are much too big of a moron to review various coverage options and make your own choice. Also, insurance companies are way too predatory to create a menu of options for you and let you choose what you want. Only government can choose options and buy wisely.

Are you into or beyond menopause? No matter. Even if you are past your child bearing years, you will pay for maternity coverage. You think you want larger deductibles for a lower monthly premium? Tough, that option has been scrapped. Government knows much better what your deductible should be than you do. All you need to do is get out your checkbook and pay. Then you can sit back and relax because big government is going to take care of you.
Does this law apply to Congress? Don't be silly. On Animal Farm all animals are equal. But some pigs are a little more equal. Freedom? Forget that idea. Freedom of choice is a pipe dream.

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