Monday, October 7, 2013

From book burning to book blocking, its a short jump

The most famous book burnings ever occurred in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Believe it or not in 21st Century America the chief law enforcement officer in the nation, censured Attorney General Eric Holder, is behind a book blocking effort.
That is right, a government agency is attempting to block the publication of a book. The book’s topic is the Fast and Furious gun-tracking program which was run by…….you guessed it…..Eric Holder. The looming First Amendment challenge is so insidious it has the American Civil Liberties Union ready to fight the White House to protect freedom of speech.
It seems the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives position is this: if the book, "The Unarmed Truth," by ATF agent and Fast and Furious whistle blower John Dodson, is published for profit, it will “hurt morale within the agency.”
According to the Washington Times, Dodson, who is a special agent in Arizona, started writing the book in 2012. In June he sought permission from the ATF to seek out a publisher. Dodson's book will reportedly expose exactly how nearly 2,000 guns were sold to Mexican drug cartels by U.S. government agents. According to documents obtained by The Washington Times, his request was denied by his superiors in Arizona. The ATF’s bureaucrats said it would have "a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix Field Division and would have a detrimental effect on our relationships with DEA and FBI."
In ways that would make Richard Nixon envious, Barack Obama successfully waded into this mess claiming “executive privilege” as the reason why Eric Holder could withhold evidence on his gun running operation and the resulting murders. The efforts to suppress the truth took a turn for the worse earlier this month when a Federal Judge ruled against Holder’s effort to keep the courts from considering the evidence. Fast and Furious left two agents dead, the White House hiding behind an executive privilege claim, and Holder ignoring duly authorized subpoenas. These are actions that would land anyone else in America in jail.
The idea that the ACLU might now get involved to force the White House to respect the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution should tell any intellectually honest citizen all they need to know about how totalitarianism and fascism have been running wild in the federal government since early 2009.

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