Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Harry Reid won't negotiate now that he has his waiver

Its the law of the land! Obamacare is here to stay! We will not negotiate! The Democrats are shamelessly piling lies on top of more lies when it comes to Obamacare. The law was sold to the public as involving no tax increases. Of course it involved hundreds of billions if not trillions in tax increases. Americans were told the law would be “good for everyone.” But Congressional Democrats have now gone behind closed doors to negotiate deals that specifically EXEMPT Congress and its staff from the law. Democrats should say the law is here to stay and so is Congress' exemption from complying with it. But that doesn't sound quite as catchy.
The White House, via a dictator’s edict, has given corporate America a one year waiver from compliance with the law. Nobody mentioned that law which is not quite here to say for corporations.
To its credit the GOP is trying to give to the puny little American public what Congress has already carved out for itself and given to corporate America……a waiver or one year delay.
Some people are predicting a short term squabble over this totalitarian atocity. Others are predicting a civil war.
No wonder gun and ammo sales have gone through the roof. Once Congress starts passing laws and then making sure they don't have to follow them people start to get really mad. This what happened in 1774 when King George III and Parliament shoved the Intolerable Acts down Americans throats.
I spoke to a local physician yesterday who said he will not accept new patients who come to him with health insurance exchange coverage. He said the piddly $31 reimbursement rate will not cover his cost to treat the patient and pay staff to collect that amount. You can bet he won't be the only doctor saying no to the nickels and dimes the Democrats want them to work for after a dozen years of expensive and grueling education.
Not negotiating is nothing new. Democrats are getting be experts at no negotiations. If you try to negotiate with the White House you are a racist. You hate black people.

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