Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Let's all go to Yellowstone Park!

This is not my father’s Democratic Party. Books of whistleblowers are banned from publishing? Book bans have actually gotten the ACLU involved in a fight with the White House. The ACLU wants to uphold the U.S. Constitution. The White House is using the NSA to spy on tens of millions of people without search warrants? The IRS is targeting people and groups considered to be opponents of the White House? Illegal weapons that were funneled to Mexican drug cartels by the ATF lead to murders of Americans and the White House blocks the investigation citing “executive privilege?” Four Americans including a U.S. Ambassador are murdered after being denied assistance during an al-Quada assault in Benghazi. The White House muzzles witnesses and threatens whistleblowers. However, the White House proves it can act quickly when it wants to. Last week it dispatched security teams to open air monuments in Washington D.C. at warp speed. These free and open sites were barricaded so that World War II veterans could be denied access. This after these vets were invited to Washington to be honored? Scenic parking areas were quickly coned off near Mount Rushmore so visitors who drove a long way were denied the opportunity to take pictures of the closed monuments from the side of the stinking road?
The latest horror story comes from America's first national park. A tour group inside Yellowstone National Park says armed employees of the National Park Service used “Gestapo tactics” on them.  Guide Gordon Hodgson had taken 41 tourists out for a drive in the park after the so-called "shutdown." When he pulled over to let passengers take photos of the park’s native bison a park ranger showed up immediately. He was told to return to the park hotel right away and "stay there.” When some of the members of the tour group pleaded for the opportunity to take a few more pictures they were threatened with trespassing charges.
In America the national parks used to belong to the people. The right to visit open air monuments was paid for with the blood of the people. That is why they are free and open air monuments. Now it seems that they belong to the Democrats and their bureaucrats. When they don't want to negotiate with a duly elected House of Representatives they use the parks and monuments for political use. Apparently in the latest round of, "let's make everyone miserable," the park service under orders from the White House went to the trouble and expense of positioning barricades around Old Faithful. Senior citizens were so outraged they called their home town newspapers and told them they were locked inside the hotel at Yellowstone, with armed park rangers positioned at the door.

These deplorable incidents coincide with other assaults on freedom by the White House simply too numerous to mention. Joseph Stalin would be proud. Never has government grown so powerful so quickly. Unfortunately, those of us who understand history, also understand the price paid by those WW II vets in North Africa, Europe, and the Pacific. Sadly, we are learning more about this White House than we ever cared to. Mr. Obama is a fascist. He is not unlike those the greatest generation of freedom loving Americans defeated in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific. He believes he is the law. This is the same man who voted AGAINST raising the debt ceiling just seven short years ago.

Here are some happier notes: Apparently the president's federal golf course somehow remains open. So does both the House and Senate gymnasiums. And all Congressmen, Senators, and their staffs will receive lucrative subsidies to buy GOLD-plated health insurance plans on the exchanges. In the words of George Orwell, "all pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal than others." Knock that putt in sir.

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