Sunday, October 20, 2013

No facts please, we don't want a debate here

The brainwashing of America was ratcheted up recently when the Los Angeles Times BANNED all letters to the editor challenging global warming and climate change assertions. They did so despite the fact that there are thousands of scientists who dispute dubious man-caused theories including Nobel Prize winners.
While it comes as no surprise that most progressive Democrats resist all forms of free speech that are in disagreement with what they have to say, it would seem that facts are becoming increasingly annoying to the global warming Kool-Aid drinkers in the news media.
Try these facts on for size in the wake of all the dire predictions of unprecedented temperature increases.
1) The five summers with the highest number of 100 degree days across the US are as follows: 1936, 1934, 1954, 1980 and 1930. The truth is, WE HAVE NOT HAD A SUMMER HOTTER THAN 1980 FOR…..UMMM….THIRTY-THREE YEARS.
2) We were supposed to be boiling by 2013, according the assertions of those on the receiving end of billions of dollars in research grants for the last twenty-five years. However, the number of 100 degree plus days in the U.S. this year was way down.....again.
3) Remember the fools who always blame any hurricane on climate change and global warming? So far in 2013 there have been only two hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin. They were both category 1 storms that petered out quickly. In fact there have been no major hurricanes in either the Atlantic or eastern Pacific for the first time since 1968. A real catastrophe eh?

4) The last major hurricane to strike the U.S. was Hurricane Wilma eight years ago. By contrast, in 1954, long before all this climate change and catastrophic global warming failed to materialize, the U.S. got hammered by three major hurricanes in less than 10 weeks.

Democrats use dire predictions of climate change and global warming along with silly hysterics as a way of making government larger and more oppressive. They will do anything to pound away at the traditional energy industry, despite the high living standards it creates. Kool-Aid drinkers can't wait to lap up this job killing foolishness which helps explain why jobs are hard to come by and growth even harder.
Politicians play the people for fools as long as they are willing. And our education system is manufacturing fools by the millions. Every time there is a weather event we are to believe it is caused by climate change and global warming. But when long stretches, remarkably extraordinary stretches of time without any weather events whatsoever occur, the crass opportunists remain silent. The recent release of facts by the IPCC regarding NO INCREASE in global surface temperatures for fifteen years was met with an obscure footnote that shrugged off the absurd forecasts of "scientists" because they claim the surface heat went into the ocean.

If this sort of suppression bugs you....tough. Don’t write a letter to the L.A. Times with scientific facts in it. The editors, who are all Democrats, hate facts that refute their favorite theories.

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