Thursday, October 17, 2013

The BIG LIE, Default Averted

Before Apollo and I head back to the San Juan River to enjoy nature and some of the best trout stream fishing on the planet, here are a few observations on the big news this morning.
Being well-informed is the anti-thesis to being content. It is hard to be content when you are surrounded by people in the news media who engage in lying all day.
Take the most recent budget/debt ceiling battle. In the wake of a bill that was passed to raise the debt ceiling, a bill that was loaded with billions of dollars in wasteful pet project spending, the news media almost universally reported that a “DEAL IS MADE AND A DEFAULT AVERTED.”
These kind of headlines are absolutely false. They are BIG LIES. The U.S. Treasury has billions of dollars in revenue coming in each week. There will continue to be more than enough cash flow coming in to make the interest payments on the national debt. All of these lies regarding a looming default that were issued in the days leading up to the “deal” by the White House, and even some of the GOP members of Congress, were simply an excuse for our “leaders” to do what they have been doing for decades. Piss away money and borrow more without any accountability. 
Good management is all about making choices. The President and Congress are bad managers. Because of the way the media lies about reality, the Senate has been able to avoid voting in favor of an actual budget for years. And this president, the same man who called billion dollar budget deficits and relatively modest hikes in the debt ceiling “immoral” six years ago, has re-calibrated his moral compass. Now massive increases in the debt ceiling and more wasteful spending are the “right things to do.”
Complicit in all of this is the media which swallows Obama's 180 degree shift in assessing right and wrong with hardly a blink. When the news media perpetuates these big lies (that a catastrophic default is at hand), it enables Mr. Obama and Congress to continue to be irresponsible and squander the people’s resources. It is clear that most people do not know this. Ignorance is bliss. Let's go fishing.

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