Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obama dares to criticize German economy

Sometimes it might seem like all you read here is criticism of Mr. Obama and the other idiots in charge of public policy in America. It is only because they are so stupid. Anyone who votes for Democrats should have their heads examined.

Earlier this week the idiots at the White House had the unmitigated gall to openly criticize Germany’s economic policies. Germany has the only economy in the Euro-zone that actually encourages work.  Today Germany hit back at the Obama criticism of its export-led economic policies, describing the Obama camp statements as "incomprehensible."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
A spokesman close the Chancellor Angela Merkel said, "The trade surpluses reflect the strong competitiveness of the German economy and the international demand for quality products from Germany." This came from the German Economics Ministry. After the Obama administration criticized Germany's economic policies and blamed the euro-zone powerhouse for dragging down its neighbors and the rest of the global economy.

Here is a news flash for the economic illiterates at the White House. Germany is not dragging down the Euro-zone. It is propping it up. With the Obama people good is always bad, darkness is always light, up is always down, and most important of all when it comes to Obamacare......fecal material is always sugar.
"The U.S. government should critically analyze its own economic situation," said Michael Meister, a senior lawmaker and close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel.  "The German economy is competitive, with record-high employment—so it's really not understandable why we're being blamed for this success," Mr. Meister added.
Don’t feel alone Germany. Everyone in America who works hard and carries the burden for the half of America that contributes nothing to support its fat, lethargic, increasingly socialist government, takes a hit during almost every Obama speech. Obama always blames people who work for not paying enough in taxes to support the half that don't pay anything.
Why does Obama do this? This man loves losers and he hates winners. He will subsidize every loser and he will punish every winner. He will lie and claim America is heading the right direction as the number of dead weight losers in America multiplies. The number of Americans who are hard working is shrinking because Obama discourages hard work.

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