Friday, November 1, 2013

Fascism reigns

Oh do we remember 2008. It was a different time for America. There were many things we were told by the education system and the news media to convince us of how evil and incompetent George W. Bush was. Averaging unemployment rates that are 40% lower than those of Mr. Obama’s five years in office, Bush was damnable because he couldn’t provide a public policy environment that created enough jobs. Now high unemployment gets a free pass.

What about foreign policy? The ironies are more glaring in this area. Senator Obama told America it had lost the respect of friends and foes under Bush. It needed a new more open relationship with other nations around the world. He would do that for us.

These days we find that lost in the daily drumbeat of news stories showing just how badly Obama’s takeover of the healthcare industry is, are reports that our traditional allies are mad as hell at us. Really mad. It seems that the Obama takeover of national security has led to spying on them on an obscene scale. Countries like Germany, France, and Spain are leading a charge against Mr. Obama’s deceitful and duplicitous activities towards them. He is backpedaling claiming he doesn't know anything.

You get a small sense these days that Americans are finally beginning to realize what they have done to themselves. Of course the media, and the education system are both soft soaping the widening evidence of complete failure by our new “progressive” government. However, as people receive cancellation notices on their health insurance, and they are being forced into a market controlled, directed, and priced by big government, voter suspicions that a royal screwing has taken place are mounting (no pun intended).

In just five short years we see working America getting screwed like it never has before. Union workers lost tens of thousands of jobs involved in building the Keystone pipeline when Obama stopped it. Coal mine workers and other coal related jobs have been killed by the tens of thousands by the Obama EPA. The IRS has morphed into a Gestapo-like intimidation agency looking to punish anyone who does not cave in to Mr. Obama. Freedom of speech is becoming a myth in Obama's America. A.G. Eric Holder has given hundreds of guns to Mexican drug cartels with the idea that they would help him demonstrate how dangerous guns are to America........despite the sacred promise of the 2nd Amendment. Corporate CEO’s like J.P. Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, a man who helped the government clean up the bank mess, are taken to the woodshed with billions in fines. Dimon's company is punished for the sins of others because Dimon dared criticize one of many lame-brained Obama polices.

The Wall Street Journal said just yesterday we are seeing progressive government fail. It goes much deeper. What we are seeing are fascists attempting to poison every nook and cranny of America, in the hopes that some day they can rule this country as Mao did China. If these thugs get their way, they will do so until the population began to starve to death.

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