Thursday, October 3, 2013

Somebody finally lit a fire under the bureaucrats butts

Calling any federal government agency for help on anything can be one of the most frustrating things imaginable. The government can’t seem to do anything in a timely manner. Even the health care exchanges which had three years notice to prepare simply could not function properly on day one.
Be patient with the government we are counseled.
It seems starting on Tuesday we finally found out something Washington bureaucrats are quick at……screaming bloody murder when their funding is threatened. Check out these speed of light actions:
New websites were ready to go early this week to tell visitors that federal agencies don’t have enough funding to run their old websites. In fact, several federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Park Service, already had new web pages in place to tell visitors that they don’t have enough money or manpower to maintain their normal websites.
Poor Michelle Obama’s Twitter account said in a tweet to loyal followers that tweets would be limited “due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government.’” Booo hoo!
Bureaucrats also moved at light speed to shut down the parking lot of Mt. Vernon. It seems the National Park Service decided to close off the parking lot to Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington because Mt. Vernon itself is privately owned. The NPS could not shut down the park so instead bureaucrats chose to shut down the parking lot. They purposely disrupted the plans of visitors who might have the potential to be convinced to get mad about the plight of the poor resource-starved agency.
The National Park Service actually had federal employees remove the handles off all the well pumps along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal that runs 184 miles from Washington, D.C. to Cumberland, Maryland. And the same NPS bureaucrats are stationing officers in the park so bikers are denied the chance to ride down closed bike paths. Now that is advanced planning on a shoestring!
One facility that remains conspicuously open is Lincoln Park in Washington D.C. There are no barricades or signs saying it is closed. It seems that this park is a favorite morning walking spot for “quite a few” Democratic senators. Apparently exemptions from Obamacare are not the only exemptions Democrats in the Senate have managed to obtain from federal agencies.
And finally this one takes the cake. Don't look for coverage of this story anywhere but on Fox. The Park Service has posted park rangers at the WWII memorial to prevent rogue octogenarian veterans from getting in. It seems the bureaucrats spent hours setting up barricades so those damned WWI vets couldn't get in.
The greatest generation my ass. These bureaucrat furloughs are a bitch compared to a piddly little thing like storming the machine gun guarded beaches at Normandy.

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