Thursday, October 3, 2013

Media coverage splits on party lines

Ah! Here we are with day three of the shutdown that sent all non-essential government employees home for what will turn out to be a paid vacation. The private sector cannot afford non-essential employees.

We learn that CNBC’s John Harwood garnered an exclusive interview with Barack Obama yesterday. You don’t have to watch it. Just imagine Jay Carney asking the questions and Obama responding.

Read a smattering of opinion pieces this morning and you will reach the unmistakable conclusion that the GOP is chock full of radical idiots who are once again being outsmarted by Democrats.

Television news coverage split on party lines. News coverage has party lines? Yes, party lines. There’s precious little journalism anymore, just partisan slant. And since Democrats have controlled public education for several generations they control every television news outlet except Fox. And it comes as no surprise that every television outlet except Fox has this very same take on why everything is the GOP’s fault.

Bloomberg television just updated everyone in America on the shutdown. The network's so-called "reporter" suggested until the GOP changes, America is in danger. This is the way news gets reported in America. The GOP has voted yes on several proposals to keep the government running. The Democrats have voted no on every proposal without submitting a counter-proposal for vote. Why is the government shut down? Its the GOP's fault.

There is no restriction on Washington because the media enables this president to operate like a dictator with a Kangaroo Congress. The arrogance that comes with slanted media coverage has brought America to this point and it will keep us here.

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