Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What a bunch of perverts

Freedom is a funny kind of a thing. You hear intellectually dishonest people on both sides of the political spectrum talk about freedom almost every day.
The gay marriage proponents simply want their freedom to associate. Why not? But the vast majority of them seem unwilling to admit the confiscation of someone else’s property is a gross encroachment on freedom.
On the other hand, the people gay rights advocates hate the most, people who are more likely to be sitting in certain churches every Sunday, will also argue strongly for property rights, but are unwilling to tolerate the idea that God made a small portion of people with different sexual preferences than the majority. They just can’t seem to bring themselves to concede freedom to others when said freedoms are not important to them. This is hypocrisy.
One of the best political analysis pieces I ever read boiled down the differences between conservative and progressives as follows: Progressives think conservatives are greedy and mean because they don’t always want to share what they have earned. Conservatives think progressives are stupid, mainly because they don’t realize being generous with somebody else’s money is not actually generosity it is stupidity.
The conservative and progressive labels don’t mean anything to me, but I do like the analogy bold-faced above. Progressives are stupid anytime they try to act as if they are generous using the fruit of somebody else’s labor. They remind me of children who think because mommy bought a Christmas present and told people it was from them, that it actually was.
Why don’t all Americans want to be governed according to the FREEDOM STANDARD all of the time? The freedom standard is so simple and so fair. More freedom is always better so long as it does not encroach on other people’s freedoms. And less freedom is always bad because less freedom always involves the sacrifice of personal choice and self-determination.
The problem with Democrats and Republicans is they twist their opinion on the idea of freedom to fit what they are comfortable with. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the gay community where denying freedom for gays is treated as an abomination against civil rights, but the confiscation of the property of others is completely acceptable.
Freedom is a funny thing. The basic libertarian view has its detractors in the GOP and in the Democratic Party. Democrats criticize libertarians more than the GOP despite the fact libertarians argue for their freedoms every single day too. The GOP criticizes libertarians less than Democrats, but cannot quite leave them completely alone because they have their weaknesses where government power is concerned too.
Let’s be clear about what government can take away. Slavery was once the law of the land. Government made slavery legal and illegal for slaves to run away. When slavery was finally repealed, segregation was the law of the land. Government made segregation legal. Bad government examples go on and on. Homosexuality was once a serious crime according to the government. Government has been used throughout human history for all sorts of evils. In 2013, Washington DC has decided it should be micro-managing doctors. And too many people forget all the above reasons why government should be trusted with very little power. Doctors are those amongst us who toiled relentlessly for twelve or fourteen long hard years. They trained to do hugely important work for our society. They save lives and take a solemn oath to do no harm. If only government did that.
Every Democrat in Congress and in the White House seems perfectly content with using government to dominate the few people in our nation who spent a huge portion of the lives learning how to keep us healthy. Democrats are saddling them with onerous rules, time wasting regulations, and reimbursement compensation schemes that essentially looks the other way while others confiscate their labors for a few pennies. This is not “freedom” it is totalitarianism.
Any Democrat who thinks simply because he or she supports gay rights that they are all about FREEDOM are probably kidding themselves. Most Democrats favor Obamacare despite the fact is steals doctor’s freedoms. This is not pro-freedom it is fascism.

Freedom is a funny thing. When you want it for yourself but won’t allow others the same you embrace evil. We should all be for gay freedom because we are all for freedom.......period. America’s attitude towards freedom has been perverted. And we should all have no doubt who the perverts are. Marxism is perverse and America is adopting it.

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