Wednesday, February 5, 2014

From "outrageous and unacceptable" to "not a smidgen of corruption?"

You look around and you realize despite all the voter fraud in the inner cities of the U.S. (fraud that helped put this horrible president back in the White House for a second term), we are still surrounded by people including friends and family members who cannot spot an unprincipled liar when they see one.
Fresh off distinguishing himself for telling the “Lie of the Year” Mr. Obama was back at it again over the weekend. In case you have been living under a rock somewhere the Obama line, “If you like your current health insurance you can keep it,” was dubbed the Lie of the Year in 2013.
Could Mr. Obama possibly top that bald-faced whopper after millions of Americans saw the health insurance policies they liked and wanted to keep get cancelled? The answer is Yes He Can!
Trace this lie documenting time line. Back in May when it was first revealed that the IRS was targeting Obama's political opponents to suppress their freedoms of assembly and speech, Mr. Obama called the actions at the IRS "outrageous and unacceptable." Wow those are strong "words." Outrageous and unacceptable eh?
In support of Obama's asssertion, just one week later, IRS supervisor Lois Lerner, when questioned under oath during the initial Congressional investigation of what Mr. Obama said was “outrageous and unacceptable,” invoked her 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination.
Now let’s get this first part of the time line straight. After people at the IRS were accused of violating the most essential constitutional rights Americans have, Ms. Lerner invoked her right to remain silent seemingly to keep her from having to truthfully answer questions about these IRS violations because those answers might "incriminate" her.
Did the White House fire Ms. Lerner. Not exactly. What it did instead was take control of the "investigation" shortly thereafter. And instead of instructing everyone at the IRS to answer questions under oath, everyone at the IRS suddenly found they could not remember a cotton-picking thing about the targeting. In the meantime Mr. Obama appointed his own people to investigate his own people.
Fast forward eight months. Last weekend Mr. Obama had the audacity to blame Fox News for the IRS scandal claiming, “There is not even a smidgen of corruption” when he was asked about the IRS targeting scandal.
Ummmmm. Let’s see if there is a "smidgen." According to this man the IRS actions were “outrageous and unacceptable” in mid-May. His statement was quickly confirmed by the person in the middle of this outrageous and unacceptable situation when she refused to answer any questions about what was outrageous and unacceptable.
Since last May the White House has commandeered the investigation of what was outrageous and unacceptable and essentially killed it. There has been a virtual information blackout ever since. Now that eight months of stonewalling has occurred Mr. Obama can’t seem to remember it was he (not Fox News) who first said what went on at the IRS was "outrageous and unacceptable." Apparently he is hoping nobody else remembers that is what he said either. He also cannot seem to remember Lois Lerner taking the 5th under oath, which any idiot would have to realize constitutes more than just a "smidgen of corruption." Now we are supposed to figure everything that was once outrageous and unacceptable is the fault of Fox News.
How can our friends and some family members cling to such lies and defend this lying scoundrel? The answer is simple. They get their information from Obama loyal news outlets in the U.S. where there is not a smidgen of objectivity remaining. Not a single outlet (except Fox) has followed up on what was best described by Obama himself as outrageous and unacceptable. What we having going on in America is a fascist attack on freedom of assembly and freedom of speech with virtually the entire journalist community winking, nodding, smiling, and looking the other way. Apparently nobody in the journalism profession has quite figured out that they might be the next "target" of things that are outrageous and unacceptable.

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