Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Let's pretend" increasingly the nation's favorite game

You have to learn to pretend when you keep up with the news these days. The percentage of people working in the U.S. is the lowest it has been in decades. This situation allows the Obama administration to pretend that unemployment is falling. The government doesn’t count people who choose to not work or stop looking for work. Pretend none of this matters.
We pretend America is doing better while the percentage of Americans on food stamps is at an all-time record high. The number of people collecting “disability” benefits is also growing exponentially. It was reported just a couple of weeks ago that a woman collecting disability benefits in the Phoenix area had completed 29 triathlons since going on “disability.” More people have become disabled than become newly employed since 2009. Are we pretending more people are getting hurt? Apparently it is easier to pretend than admit more people are figuring out how to con the disability system. Our social security dollars are paying more and more people on disability to not work. Never has it paid to pretend you are disabled instead of working like it does now. Let's pretend this does not matter either.

Record low temperatures are plaguing the nation while we are pretending we must solve global warming. Snow and ice is everywhere except Hawaii. Cold temperatures are causing lost work time for millions of Americans. 2013-14 has been the harshest winter in decades. What the Obama administration does is pretend the winter is not the harshest in decades. Democrats find it is easier to pretend it is warm instead of saying it wants temperatures to be even colder via its anti-global warming policies. Satellite photos tell us the polar ice cap is nearly 60% larger than it was this time last year. Let's pretend the ice cap hasn't spread. Then we won't be upset when politicians still opine for more borrowing and spending to make the world even colder.

Not everyone is pretending. In Tennessee the United Auto Workers Union was allowed to campaign inside an auto assembly plant. The Volkswagen workers were given every opportunity to unionize. While Democrats everywhere continue to pretend companies exploit workers and workers need unions to protect them, in Tennessee the workers knew recent history. They voted against unionization. Many said they opposed the union because the stupid nonsense work rules demanded by the union would ruin productivity and eventually send them to the unemployment rolls. Democrats pretended it was somebody else's fault the UAW lost the vote.
Not everyone has learned the obvious quite so well. More than 1/4th of the 2200+ Americans polled recently did not know the earth circles the sun. Most of them are in favor of saving the planet, they just are not sure what the planet's spacial relationship is with the sun. Only unions (the teachers unions) can continue to pretend that public education has NOT failed us in the face of widespread ignorance like this.
Let's pretend there's no such thing as a full moon
In charge of the city of Detroit for more than fifty years, Democrats have bankrupted the place. It has run hundreds of thousands of taxpayers off leaving the city with houses it cannot sell, even for a dollar. This is what happens when Democrats dominate politics for decades. With complete control of Detroit, Democrats still pretend it is somebody else's fault the place is a cesspool.

Not to be outdone in the pretend game, the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives approved another 2.6 trillion dollars of borrowing capacity for Mr. Obama this week......with no spending discipline strings attached. Apparently the GOP has decided to pretend it has only two choices; 1) shut the government down or 2) allow it to get more out of control. Nice job House GOP, you are pretending almost as well as Democrats. 
And finally, a high school boy, a senior in Azusa, California, is being allowed under state law to play on the girl’s softball team. He claims his gender identity is female. Apparently his stated identity is all that matters. He can pretend, despite his masculine muscular body that he is a girl and play on the girls team instead of the boys. Reportedly he “male equipment” is still intact. Only in California does pretending reach the absurd in ways that boggle the mind.

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