Friday, February 21, 2014

What is next? Achtung Juden?

Earlier this week I read a column describing Mr. Obama’s shrinking presidency. The writer suggested there were limits to how much utter incompetence Americans would tolerate, especially when it comes to the likes of Obamacare. Now that the law is intruding on people’s lives in ways that seem completely unimaginable to a country based on freedom, Mr. Obama's poll numbers are getting crushed. It would also seem that in surrendering a level of control to hapless and lazy bureaucrats, Americans are now slowly beginning to realize the most important thing they have, their good health, is going to receive the same level of commitment to service they get at the Motor Vehicle Department. Thanks Democrats!
Americans who are stunned by what is happening with health care might want to pay closer attention to what is happening on the censorship front. The Obama administration’s Federal Communications Commission is now planning to send government contractors hired by partisan Democrats into the nation's newsrooms to get this: “Determine whether journalists are producing articles, television reports, Internet content, and commentary that meets the public's critical information needs."
Naturally, what constitutes a "need" will be defined by the new partisan censorship hacks in the administration. News outlets that do not comply like Borg drones with the government's demands for more pro-Democratic party views of the news could face the revocation of their business licenses. Is this America? This FCC mission employs the sorts of methods that enabled Lenin, Stalin, and Mao to intimidate every corner of their society in an effort to increase their hold on power over the people. It would seem that now that Mr. Obama controls the health of America's citizens, the First Amendment has to go too.
This latest Obama action seems to come on right on the heels of a slow awakening by radically pro-Obama journalists who were lulled into a partisan stupor decades ago. Increasingly, journalists (besides Fox News) are doing news stories that shed light on the all of the ways the administration does end runs around the U.S. Constitution. And apparently, the Obama goon squad is sensing an end to its free pass and is turning its attention on the free press. In typical totalitarian fashion, this latest effort to dismantle freedom of the press never even had a hearing or a vote, let alone a court review that compares the effort to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution. According to Ajit Pai, an FCC commissioner, "This has never been put to an FCC vote, it was just announced. I've never had any input into the process."  Pai made these revelations on this latest fascist assault on America’s most precious freedom in a Wall Street Journal column. Hello! Is anyone paying attention?
FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn the daughter of radical partisan Representative James Clyburn, was appointed to the FCC by Mr. Obama. She is now assuming the 2014 role of Heinrich Himmler. The only true question remaining for the press is how long are these freedom killing tactics going to be tolerated now that Mr. Obama is trying to do to journalism what he has done with  Will journalists grow a new set of balls and defend their profession or be intimidated, roll over, and let "Mignon" oversee all of the little "minions" who need Democratic Party supervision while they are working in journalism.
What's comes next? Achtung Juden!

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