Saturday, February 22, 2014

Obama's FCC backs down from attempt to "study" news operations

Well now. It would seem that the press got its back up. Yesterday the Federal Communications Commission said (Friday) that it was ditching a "study" which was nothing more than a direct threat to the First Amendment right of press freedom. (see column below)

The plan to look at how news organizations choose which stories to cover "overstepped the bounds of what is required," admitted FCC spokeswoman Shannon Gilson.

No kidding?

There are two things to be learned here. First, when the media actually pushes back against this pack of fascists in the White House they back down. Second, these jerks have no clue where the bounds are. If the media had laid down like they have on virtually every other issue, their constitutional rights would have been taken away.

Now if we can just get the news media to care about the constitutional rights of others across a wide spectrum of BASIC FREEDOMS we can begin to wake up from this totalitarian nightmare.

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