Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Even the Greenpeace Co-founder is calling B.S.

It seems a well known progressive has decided it is time to stop PRETENDING.
As more record cold temperatures paralyze the U.S. economy this winter there are many progressive media outlets that want all global warming skeptics silenced. Simply refuse to publish their columns and articles is their cry. Really? What is next….a book burning?
Reality keeps pounding away.
Consider these statements of the obvious from non-other-than Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore: “There is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm.” He made this statement to a Senate committee on Tuesday.
But Moore did not stop there. In the face of some of the most brutally cold temperatures in several generations he said that the argument that the burning of fossil fuels is driving global warming over the past century simply lacks any scientific evidence. And with poor people freezing to death in cold areas he had the temerity to suggest, “Some warming would be a good thing.”
In prepared testimony Moore said, “There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years.” He also said humans would not be the only species to benefit from warmer temperatures. Also listed as beneficiaries, by Moore were “The majority of other species.”
This blasphemer of the progressive movement’s favorite religious plank has stopped pretending. And he simply would not shut up. “It could be said that frost and ice are the enemies of life, except for those relatively few species that have evolved to adapt to freezing temperatures during this Pleistocene Ice Age,” he said. “It is ‘extremely likely’ that a warmer temperature than today’s would be far better than a cooler one.” Duh.
Moore was simply saying something that people already know. Still many politicians benefit when people pretend. The cycle is simple. Elected officials receive campaign contributions from climate change scientists. Then politicians feather the nests of their buddies in the climate change grant industry. In support of this corruption they drone on about “climate change,” which of course is the new code word for the global warming that is not occurring. The job of anyone cashing a grant check is to continue to make discredited predictions.
Our pretender in chief (Mr. Obama), takes a lead role in this ruse. He can be found talking about what we have to do to stop that which is not occurring every week.
What about the economy? What about jobs? After years of “studies” to see if one more pipeline (we already have tens of thousands) will be a disaster instead of a massive job creator, Mr. Obama says a decision will be forthcoming in a few months.
In the meantime the only real economic tailwind this nation has is the boom in domestic energy production. Sadly, Mr. Obama gets in the way of job creation that is needed to help get this energy production to market. Obama destroys energy jobs every chance he gets.
Here are some amazingly popular ideas. Let’s pretend it is too warm. Let’s pretend there are no pipelines in America instead of thousands of them. Let’s pretend nobody drives a car or flies in a plane that runs on fuel (including Air Force One). And most important of all let’s pretend would couldn’t throw a dart at the phone book and come up with a better leader than Mr. Obama.
You say those are silly ideas? These are things Democrats do every morning when the get out of bed. They pretend, pretend, and pretend. For those who point out their pretensions they hurl accusations of racism at them. Anyone who disagrees with what they pretend about whether it is the temperature outside or job creation has to be a racist. What other possible motivation could there be? Satisfied and content with their delusions Democrats fill up their gas tanks, book a plane ticket, turn on their heaters, and bad mouth an oil company before lunch. Apparently, pretending is habit forming.

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