Thursday, February 27, 2014

A woman just like Spike Lee used to be my client

Nearly twenty years ago we hired a couple of college kids to help us with our filing at the office. One of my clients, an elderly woman who saw the two young ladies working near the file cabinets when she entered, stormed into my office. "What are those niggers doing in here?" she demanded.
I popped out of my chair in a hurry, closed the door to my office behind her and spent a few minutes trying to counsel the woman on the evils of blind hatred. She was having none of it and pretty soon gave me an ultimatum. She said either I fire those two young ladies or she was going to move her seven figure account elsewhere.
I smiled and told her to hit the bricks.
Since that day there have been many times when it has been insinuated by various Democrats that I must be racist since I am white, male, and have earned a nice living as a business owner. These insinuations are, to put it mildly, irritating. Actually to be accurate, they are infuriating.
This week many people learned that well-known Democrat and film director Spike Lee went on a profanity-laced rant at New York's Pratt Institute. It seems that Mr. Lee was livid about the idea of gentrification in his old neighborhoods that were once 100% black. Apparently, according to Lee there has been an influx of, "White motherfucking hipsters," all of the sudden.
No, I am not making this up. Lee was recorded saying, "You can't just come in the neighborhood and start bogarting and say, like, you're motherfucking Columbus and kill off the Native Americans."

According to Lee, when white people move into the old neighborhoods they "Push out generations of black people."

Really? They push them out? How do they do that? Do they confiscate their property at gunpoint Spikey? Or maybe they simply pay the asking price for the property because they want to live there in that neighborhood.

There's more. CNN quotes Lee as saying, "When you see white mothers pushing their babies in strollers, three o'clock in the morning on 125th Street, that must tell you something." Yes it does tell me something. It tells me they feel safe living in diverse neighborhoods. Good for everyone living there.

Others still living in the neighborhood were told about what Lee said. Many think Lee is some kind of moron. Several neighbors interviewed said they liked the new "diversity" in the neighborhood.

Here's a thought. If Spike Lee came to my neighborhood and saw two white kids working in my yard and asked me what are those "White motherfucking hipsters doing here?" I am pretty sure I'd have to tell him to hit the bricks. The truth is there isn't a milligram of difference between Spike Lee and that elderly female client in my office nearly twenty years ago. There is a big difference in how the media deals with people like them. Any high profile white idiot who made an asinine statement like Lee did would be crucified by everyone. But Spike Lee gets a free pass from all Democrats. Go figure.

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