Friday, March 7, 2014

While America Sleeps, treason is defended

While America sleeps, people within the Obama administration continue to use the IRS as their own personal private political police force. Last May, IRS abuse of American citizens and groups of American citizens finally became so egregious the alarm bells sounded all over Washington DC.
Sensing that the truth about the intimidation tactics at the IRS might lead directly to his door, President Obama got out in front of this particular scandal nine months ago. He called the actions of the IRS employees, “outrageous and unacceptable.”
Fair enough. Let’s write down Mr. Obama’s words, “outrageous and unacceptable.” One would think that any action fitting that particular description would require corrective action.
Efforts to get to the bottom of the terrible actions of IRS employees turned up trails. And all of them led to one Lois Lerner, an IRS supervisor who also had direct contact with White House political operatives. Lerner has now been called before Congress twice to answer questions about how and why the IRS engaged in what Mr. Obama called “outrageous and unacceptable” activities.
With all trails leading to her, Ms. Lerner hired a lawyer and was told to exercise her 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Simply put, after releasing a statement declaring her innocence, she refused to answer even the most simple questions of Congressional investigators.
And so the investigation of what our president called, “outrageous and unacceptable” behavior at the IRS has reached a pivot point. Either Ms. Lerner gets offered immunity to testify, or she gets prosecuted.
In response to an employee of the taxpayers refusing to explain what she did on the IRS time clock to deny people basic constitutional freedoms, the Congressional “Black” Caucus (CBC) has decided to attack the GOP for attempting to fix what the president called outrageous and unacceptable.
Consider that Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings was frustrated and angry. However, he was not frustrated and angry that Ms. Lerner refused to answer questions. Nope, he was livid that he could not make an absurd speech in defense of Ms. Lerner immediately after she stonewalled the committee that subpoenaed her.
Long gone are the days when people like Cummings sought to hold powerful public employees accountable. These days, and from the inside (not the outside), Cummings and the CBC blocks and tackles for evil forces within the government that have openly used the IRS to subdue political dissent.
What Cummings does is nothing if not sinister. His attitude towards right and wrong is no different than the men in Africa who captured and incarcerated free people and sold them to slave traders. His actions to prevent those trying to enforce basic constitutional protections from IRS abuse are so duplicitous they can best be characterized as treasonous. Apparently there is nothing sacred to this scoundrel.
While America sleeps actions deemed to be outrageous and unacceptable by the president, are now being defended by the Congressional Black Caucus with Mr. Obama's tacit approval. This sort of insult to our basic intelligence is now the defining characteristic of Democrats and the Americans who empower them. God help us.

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