Wednesday, March 12, 2014

If Nixon were a Democrat in 2014

Kristi and I had an interesting discussion over the weekend. The question was basic. If Richard Nixon was a Democrat and in the White House today would he be investigated by Congress, impeached, and convicted?
In the early days of Watergate, the deep corruption of the Nixon administration was first exposed by a two man team of Washington Post reporters (Woodward and Bernstein). As each layer of illegal activities was exposed, more and more media outlets got onboard with the story. It all began when some of Nixon’s operatives burglarized DNC headquarters. Eventually it became clear that the Nixon administration was engaged in dirty political tricks and misappropriating campaign funds. Nixon went down because he participated in the cover-up.
Ultimately it was the Republicans who brought down the Nixon presidency. Fed up with be lied to and being asked to defend the indefensible in the name of party loyalty, a group of Republicans in Congress finally went to the White House and told Richard Nixon it was time for him to go. He did.
Some things have not changed since the 1970’s. In 2014, the news media is still dominated by strongly pro-Democratic Party sentiment. The management teams at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, are all supportive of Democrats and very hostile towards Republicans. Only Fox News offers an alternative viewpoint. Democrats, led by Barack Obama are careful to use defamatory language to demonize Fox News at every turn in a concerted effort to try to limit its viewership. Since Fox is the only news network that is not supportive of Democrats this is easy to do.

In so many ways the power grabbing scandals of the Obama administration mirror those of Nixon. At their core, the driving forces behind Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, Solyndra, and all of the great lies used to pass Obamacare are also the result of an insatiable thirst for power and control. However, there are major differences between the corruption of Obama and Nixon. Actions by the Obama operatives have led to many deaths. Let’s look at two examples.
1. While both Obama and Nixon ignored subpoenas citing the dubious legal concept of “Executive Privilege,” the Obama-Holder Fast and Furious gun-running scandal to Mexico resulted in the deaths hundreds of Mexican citizens plus three American law- enforcement agents who were killed with weapons released to drug lords by the Obama-Holder Justice Department.
2. The horrifying deaths of four Americans in the Libyan city of Benghazi included an ambassador. These fatalities were the direct result of orders from the White House to nearby American security personnel to NOT provide armed assistance to the diplomatic mission when it came under attack.
Of course there’s more. In the months and years ahead it is a virtual certainty that more Americans will die as a result of rationed healthcare under Obamacare. In fact, in recent days people who are now being denied cancer treatments are stepping forward to expose how their very lives are now being threatened because their insurance policies were cancelled by Obamacare.
Let’s return to the question. Would Richard Nixon be investigated, impeached, and convicted if he were a Democrat today? Perhaps the treatment of CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson tells us all we need to know. Attkisson finally resigned earlier this week because CBS kept burying all of her stories exposing Obama administration lies and corruption. It seems that any CBS reporter digging for the truth about a corrupt Democrat in the White House will see her stories get a one way ticket to the cemetery for a premature burial.
No, if Woodward and Bernstein were investigating Obama at the Washington Post in 2014, they would not become national heroes. They would be shown the door or buried in obscurity just like Attkisson at CBS. There is nobody at the Washington Post interested in getting to the truth about the scandals at this White House. This is also true of the New York Times, CNN, ABC, NBC, and MSNBC.

Nixon’s claims of “Executive Privilege” wore thin quickly with Republicans in 1973. Those claims merely covered up dirty tricks and financial misdeeds, not murders. It is clear that Nixon would get no trouble from anyone except Fox News as a Democrat in 2014 America. Only Fox News would talk about all the gangsters around him and scrutinize the illegal activities in his agencies.

Because of what Nixon did to America he got what he deserved. However, Democrats are so invested in holding power there could be murders taking place on White House grounds and Fox News would get the blame for trying to stain the reputation of poor Mr. Obama and his merry men and women.

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