Wednesday, March 12, 2014

HHS moving ever closer to an Obamacare repeal with new "rules"

Believe it or not the Obama administration has issued a seven-page technical bulletin that extends for two more years a rule it made back in a December of 2013 bulletin.  This new "rule" was originally designed to allow certain Americans whose health insurance coverage was cancelled to opt out of Obamacare's individual mandate.

This week according to the Health and Human Services agency, all anyone needs to do to do to opt out of the mandate is fill out a form. And on the form they can claim their insurance was cancelled and that they.....GET THIS: "Believe that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy" or "you consider other available policies unaffordable."
The ruling goes farther into the mush that walks and quacks like the duck that is repealing Obamacare.
It seems you can also opt out without penalty IF: "You experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance."
And GET THIS: Providing poof is only required via documentation, "if possible."
And GET THIS: Another waiver is available to anyone who says they are merely unable to afford coverage, regardless of their prior insurance.
It would seem that the HHS version of Obamacare is now offering an exemption to everyone who can come up with an excuse for wanting one.
Why is all of this happening? It is because Democrats are running scared. Since holding power is their only real goal and Democrats are looking like they will get crucified in November, Obama's HHS rule writers are now doing to Obamacare what Ted Cruz could only dream of doing. They are continuously dismantling the dumbest law ever passed and not vetoed. How sad that America could have been so stupid.

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