Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Keep on pretending!

Several times on this site I have lamented that America's favorite past time is playing the game, "Let's Pretend."
The examples of all the things Americans pretend about are almost endless. For example, it snowed another seven inches in the Baltimore-Washington area to start the week. With the coldest winter in more than a hundred years, apparently, according to Democrats, we still need to "pretend" carbon emissions are still causing higher global temperatures. Yes, even as dire predictions of a hotter planet are being frozen solid, we simply must continue to pretend the recent re-branding of global warming as, "climate change," has not yet become a cruel joke. It is also important to realize if the discredited idea of global warming is simply called "climate change" instead, Democrats can still get away with blaming every change in the weather on carbon emissions.
It does not stop there. We also must pretend if we agree that our government should take our earnings away and use them (and our borrowing power) to offer handouts to people to not work, it will not severely damage all incentives to work.
Another thing we can also pretend about is that racism is still a huge problem in America. We can do this even though new immigrants in our country from Africa and Latin America advance up the ladder of achievement here. In the meantime, millions of minority group members are languishing in the welfare traps set by social engineers. The difference is they have been trained by our public education system to yell racism at every turn.
Speaking of education, we must also pretend the American public education system should somehow be preserved despite the fact it is failing like no other institution in the history of mankind.

We should also pretend that anyone who disagrees with the U.S. president must be a racist. Once again Democrats lead the let's pretend racism is a huge problem parades.
One of my personal favorites is to pretend I don't notice Mr. Obama issuing executive order after executive order dismantling the most basic principles of Obamacare. And I also pretend I don't notice that if any Republican tries to do the same thing, we are compelled to pretend that Republican is trying to destroy Mr. Obama's "crowning achievement." I guess only Democrats can suggest the healthcare law stinks.
We should also do our best to pretend we don't notice that all Democrats who once praised Obamacare as the greatest piece of social legislation ever passed, are now so worried about being voted out of office they can't even remember that they voted for it.

We do need a little more practice pretending that Mr. Obama, after vastly increasing the number of American troops into Afghanistan, bombing Libya, killing overseas American citizens with drones, and threatening to bomb Syria, deserved his Nobel Peace Prize. We should also pretend the Nobel committee isn't political. 
How about a little nostalgic pretending? We used to pretend that the rest of the world hated America because of the cowboy-like policies of George W. Bush.  Now we must simply pretend that despite the fact that virtually every country in the world respects America LESS now than they did in 2008 that.......well...... for whatever the reason for their lack of respect actually is, it is certainly not Mr. Obama's fault like it was the fault of his predecessor.   
What is next on the pretend parade? Maybe we should start pretending that allowing Iran to produce nuclear weapons is not dangerous.

And let's also pretend that with more people on food stamps than ever before, the U.S. economy is really finally on the mend anyway.

Let's pretend our bigger more intrusive government is helping everything.

And let's pretend that millions of new people gaming the system for disability benefits under the Obama regime are not part of a national fraud epidemic.

Maybe we should also start pretending that the recently announced Obama plans to unilaterally reduce our defense capabilities are not emboldening dictators like Putin.
And finally, with March Madness upon us let's pretend that forcing diversity at all costs is really important. In fact, let's pretend the ethnic and racial makeup of every basketball team is crucial. We can also pretend successful basketball coaches would not be ridiculed and eventually fired for being incompetent if they simply thought less about using their very best players and more about finding 5' 4" Asian, Hispanic, Anglo, Jewish, and Muslim basketball players. For all of our NCAA bracket selections, we need to pretend our picks must have more "diversity" for the "greater good."

Maybe Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can lead us in the pretend diversity prayer before every game?

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