Monday, April 28, 2014

NAACP con game is Sterling

The Los Angeles Clippers owner and the NAACP BOTH got caught cheating in the racism con game we seem hopelessly trapped into playing in this country.
The despicable words of Donald Sterling are not worth repeating. They are so offensive and so reprehensible they should be left alone. But you can bet some of the other despicable things going on with this story will get soft soaped by a complicit press.
For starters you can bet nobody will ask what the hell the NAACP was doing honoring this guy with a lifetime achievement award? What the NAACP was going to give him a lifetime achievement award? Yes you read that right. Just a few days ago the NAACP planned to honor Clippers owner Donald Sterling with a lifetime achievement award.
This has to make you wonder what is it you have to do to warrant a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the NAACP. The most obvious answer is pretty simple. Just give the NAACP money.
The NAACP’s interim president and CEO Lorraine C. Miller found herself in full damage control this weekend. It probably never occurred to the press to even ask why she was so defensive.
“Let me make it clear, the NAACP will not be honoring Mr. Sterling at the upcoming Los Angeles branch event and we have strongly urged our Los Angeles unit to take the necessary steps to rescind the previous award they bestowed on him,” she said.
So the NAACP had already given Sterling another award? Say it isn't so Lorraine.
What isn't clear is why it took the NAACP so long to (a lifetime) to figure out Sterling hadn't achieved much in the area of race relations.
Miller made a plea to keep the NAACP's all important con game alive. “The remarks attributed to Mr. Sterling are outrageous and remind us that racism is alive and well at every socioeconomic level. With the election of President Obama, many were sold the idea that the United States would be instantly transformed into a post racial society and racism would be eviscerated. People who bought that idea were sold wolf tickets.”
These remarks by Miller are so ridiculous they are comical. The bogus tickets being sold were the ones to the 100th anniversary NAACP Gala dinner that was going to honor Donald Sterling.
NAACP Chairman of the Board of Directors Roslyn M. Brock also engaged in damage control. “The NAACP will remain vigilant in pointing out and fighting against racism in all its forms to ensure it does not infect the next generation of Americans,” she said.
Really? Remain vigilant huh? How vigilant could the NAACP be if it decided that Sterling was its best choice for a "Lifetime Achievement award."
And so you have it. An organization that used to have a very noble purpose has gotten caught playing a con game. They were actually on the brink of bestowing an incredible award to a person who did not earn it. He bought it from them.
The NAACP does no homework to vet individuals for awards. They just raise money, launder their big donors resumes with bogus awards, support only Democrats, and do everything they can to perpetuate the myth that racist people (like Sterling) actually damage their interests.
The great irony of this story is Mr. Sterling is going to be the one who pays for his hateful verbal transgressions. He will also be ostracized by society. The NAACP will cleverly position itself as a "victim" of Mr. Sterling and move on to the next con.

1 comment:

  1. Ever since the NAACP began electing racists to chair their leadership, like Harry Belafonte, the organization's relevancy has declined. You got it right, it's all about WHO and HOW much money they raise. Instead they've become central command for the grievance industry.
