Friday, April 25, 2014

Do your homework?

I thought I'd seen it all until I read today where Hillary Clinton was lamenting the state of journalism earlier this week when she told an audience at the University of Connecticut that journalism is not driven by "fact-based reporting."

What a frigging irony that one of the biggest beneficiaries in the history of mankind of shoddy journalism is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Anyone who has been paying attention has to marvel at the big set of brass balls this woman has in saying, "Journalism has changed quite a bit in a way that is not good for the country and not good for journalism."
She is oh so right. The way journalism operates now has managed to shield her from the bald-faced lies she told about the murders of four people under her direct supervision in Libya. The scandal known as Benghazi has been cast aside by media outlets everywhere because it would expose Hillary for what she is.....a shrill, double-talking shrew.
The former first lady also had an astonishing tip for journalists when she advised them to, "Do your homework."
Hillary Clinton does have one legitimate bitch (no pun intended) on the homework point. She thinks her 2008 presidential campaign, a battle in which Barack Obama was her opponent, was of course, "the most biased coverage in history" (favoring Obama).

How ironic that people like the Clintons, who brazenly used false accusations of racism and disgusting class warfare attacks in every political battle they ever fought, actually had those tactics turned on them by a complicit press during the 2008 primaries.

What was Hillary's response to all of the patently false charges leveled at her by Mr. Obama? She turned those false accusations on Obama's opponents in the next two general elections right along with the press. And in doing so, she managed to take hypocrisy to new and dangerous heights. Apparently only when reporters don't mention lies about her is it bad journalism. Any lie she tells is just......well.....what she does to try to accrue political power.
Hillary need not worry about our shoddy pro-Democrat press. The press won't do its homework on her or any other Democrat. And she will be the biggest beneficiary of non-fact-based reporting of them all.

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