Friday, May 9, 2014

2014 is the coldest year on record

We read data points in our profession all the time. Trends are trends and graphs show trends.

Before we get to the graphs in question know that first quarter GDP numbers came out in late April. It was one of the slowest three month periods of economic activity in six years. The number of able-bodied Americans not working has become a cultural catastrophe. Half of the country does not support the government with income tax payments.

Of course the Obama administration was quick to blame this terrible economy on incredibly cold weather....which is partly true. It has been amazingly cold all over the nation and prolonged cold weather can damage the pocketbooks of everyone.

What the media does not report is that the Obama administration just released a silly report, a report which they take dead serious. They say that because the planet is "warming" it is harming the economy.

Which is it? Is the climate warmer or colder?

These con artists play word games with phrases like "climate change." They do so because the real temperature data reveals that the planet is definitely not warming. Then they blame to bad economy on cold weather. Then they recommend we spend hundreds of BILLIONS of our hard earned dollars to make things .........COLDER.

Never before in the history of politics and media coverage of politics do people get away with such utter double-talking bullshit.

There are other terrible side effects thanks to these absolutely stupid policies. They drive up your electric bill, your home heating bill, and the costs you have to pay to fill your tank at the gas station. All of this happens because they want you to believe climate change is causing the globe to "warm." Except when the GDP report comes. Then they say there are no jobs because it is too cold.

Next November you will get the chance to vote for people who understand that mother nature and the sun determines temperatures. They realize ice ages have come and gone and will come again. Their opponents want electricity, home heating, and gasoline to cost more so they can funnel money to faux scientists. They like these faux scientists because they vote Democrat and teach their students to vote for Democrats. These idiots are also known as activist DEMOCRATS instead of serious scientists.

While contemplating all of this deception check out the actual climate data below:

Coldest Year On Record So Far In The US

Screenshot at May 08 08-50-30
YearTDeptUS (10)YearTDeptUS.png (688×531)

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