Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Let's all beat up Condi

It is sort of strange. A high profile African American woman and person who is a great American success story has been treated like a mass murderer by some members of the faculty and some students at New Jersey's Rutgers University.

Somehow, nobody has bothered to accuse the people who have been trashing this woman of racism. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been shamefully smeared by a group of progressive Democrats who want her banned from the Rutgers campus.

Fortunately Rutgers University President Robert Barchi rejected all pressure to rescind his invitation to Rice to speak at the commencement ceremony on May 18th.
Condoleezza Rice
Will Rice speak? No she won't. Rice had too much class to allow the event to be about her and those who vote Democrat. She withdrew from the invite making this incredibly profound statement to the press: "Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families, Rutgers' invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time."
Chalk up a victory for suppression of freedom of speech and different views of an African American Woman. The uninformed students and Rutgers chemistry Professor Robert Boikess, who backed the anti-Rice campaign, are the self-appointed thought police at Rutgers.
What a great irony that Rutgers welcomed Hillary Clinton with open arms in 2007. Clinton voted for the same war (Iraq), as the senator from New York, that seems to have this group of fascists upset at Rice. The problem is Rice served in the Bush administration.
So, where are the race hucksters and defenders of women rushing to Rice's defense? They are silent. They choose to only make sexism and racism charges if the person being treated like dirt is a Democrat. This incident is just one more example of what a disgrace our education system has become.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. What's a joke is to hear virtually and liberal preach about tolerance. They are the least tolerant of any political group. You can only imagine how difficult it might be to work with them.
