Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What "Equality" Really Means

"Equality" is a media buzzword these days. The media runs with the "equality" ball because it encapsulates the Democratic Party's hopes for the November elections. Equality is a noble sounding term. In reality it is actually a concept wedge that can be driven between those who are prospering more and those who are prospering less or not at all. Is prosperity something that government can do something about?

The eminent liberal historian Will Durant (liberal back when liberal did not mean whacked out crazy Marxist) had this to say about "equality":
"Since practical ability differs from person to person, the majority of such abilities in nearly all societies, is gathered in a minority of men. The concentration of wealth is a natural result of this concentration of ability, and regularly recurs in history. The rate of concentration varies (other factors being equal) with the economic freedom permitted by morals and the laws. Despotism may for a time retard the concentration; democracy, allowing the most liberty, accelerates it... In progressive societies the concentration may reach a point where the strength in number of the many poor rivals the strength of ability in the few rich; then the unstable equilibrium generates a critical situation, which history has diversely met by legislation redistributing wealth or revolution redistributing poverty."

Mr. Obama has created both a legislation and cultural revolution that is redistributing poverty though it tries to re-distribute wealth. Why won't his efforts work in the real world economy? The practical abilities being concentrated, those who are financially literate and insistent on understanding financial systems have already read the Obama redistribution playbook. They stay three steps ahead of all of his wishful thinking. Because they stay one step ahead of Democrats, wealth concentration has actually accelerated dramatically under the Democratic Party reign. This is the great irony of their stab at the "equality" approach.
Most Democrats attribute the lack of equality to the lack of educational opportunity. This may be true outside the U.S. However, the problem inside the U.S. is the education system itself. Union-oriented types control the curriculum. They insure that the system teaches children principles that are impractical and unworkable. The goal of conditioning society to accept an ever increasing size and scope of government has been realized. The result is lower aggregate living standards.
The government the education system prefers is one that heaps more and more resources on the education system. The education system is a political organization. The only opportunity a government managed education system will ever create is for itself.
Still, over the next six months you will hear the word "equality" parroted over and over again by Democrats and in the media. The hope is to stoke the fires of ENVY and blame Republicans for an education system Democrats have controlled for more than eighty years. This strategy is essentially an effort to bring out the very WORST in people so they will vote for those who support the march towards Marxism. It is a vicious circle and those who are controlling the processes are either the most evil Americans ever or the dumbest. Your choice.

1 comment:

  1. The education system has been broke for decades. Students are taught WHAT to think and not HOW to apply critical thinking skills. And all the while, Americans wonder why the economy continues to worsen? How could a Marxist have been elected to two terms in the white house? The results of the upcoming mid-term elections will speak volumes about whether or not regaining freedom is important to voters in America. I am not optimistic about the collective intellect of our electorate. In the long run, it's quite possible that massive bloodshed rather than voters awakening from the Marxist ether will be necessary to resurrect liberty and the genuine pursuit of happiness in America. When, with impunity, the IRS can be systematically and lawlessly used to quell political opposition and deny freedom of speech, bloodshed is inevitable. The future of America and the freedoms guaranteed in the constitution are under attack. In my view, absent a profound voter driven rejection of the current administration's felonious efforts to revoke religious, economic and political freedoms, I can't envision a return to the America bequeathed by the founding fathers that doesn't involve a widespread armed revolt and massive bloodshed. This administration and future administrations of like mind intend to govern by executive fiat and ignore the most sacred provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Their perverted self serving interpretations of the constitution are "fundamentally" changing our republic without firing a shot or being challenged in court.
