Friday, May 30, 2014

All is forgiven, I have an amnesty and pardon certificate!

Walter Williams
The eminent professor Walter Williams weighed in on a subject that seems to be on the mind of every progressive these days........WHITE PRIVILEGE.
He begins in a recent column on the topic by saying, "The average parent has no idea of the devious indoctrination going on in classrooms in many public schools." He documents an incredible "White Privilege Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin attended by get this......2,500 public school teachers, administrators, and students from across the nation. As I read this column by Williams (I read everything he writes) I was reminded that just a short drive south of Madison is the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois. In this locale a few years ago I discovered that I am precluded from being hired as a money manager for public funds there because I am a white male. Its the law. Nobody is teaching people about that law or others that are similar. Let's see what Williams says is being taught at "workshops" so that educators can return to the brainwashing process after the conference.
Williams says one of the workshops was entitled, "Confessions of a white, high school English teacher." In this one the presenter identified "Neutral People." If you are not race obsessed you should "get the f--- out of education," was the message. The assertion was simple, every day white people should wake up and acknowledge that they are deeply embedded with racist thoughts and notions and actions."
There is more. Much more. It seems that Jacqueline Battalora, professor of sociology and criminal justice at Saint Xavier University said, "White people did not exist before 1681." This must be news to the followers of William Shakespeare (1564) and Sir Isaac Newton (1642).

According to Williams. John A. Powell, a University of California, Berkeley law professor said, "Race is driving almost everything that's happening in the country." He explained the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans in racial terms by saying, "They took money away from protecting the levees because the levees were protecting black people." Nobody quite knows who "they" are but no doubt it was under the orders of the Tea Party, Sara Palin, George Bush, or Ronald Reagan's ghost.

Presenter Stephanie Baran counseled those in attendance that racism was invented in Colonial America by, "White capitalists as a tool to divide labor and keep the working class in their place."

Educator Paul Kivel suggested Christians were to blame for racism going so far as to say, "Parents put their kids in private schools because they're racist."

In the workshop entitled, "Examining White Privilege and Building Foundations for Social Justice Thinking in the Elementary Classroom," teachers Rosemary Colt and Diana Reeves taught other teachers how they can, "Insert social justice, anti-racist information" into their lessons that "even little kids" can understand. Sounds pretty good to me.
Walter Williams says he can't imagine people being stupid enough to believe all that was said at the White Privilege Conference. I can. I've been to the grocery store. He says there's something else at work. He suggests it is "White Guilt."

Fortunately Walter Williams is one of the most profound thinkers of our time. For almost three decades, He has offered white people just like me a certificate of amnesty and pardon. He has granted this proclamation to all Americans of European ancestry in the hopes that they stop feeling guilty and also stop acting like fools.

Print one. You will feel better about yourself and you can show it to any Democrat who tries to slap the racist label on you when you cite historical reasons why you outright reject the idea that Marxism might work. Forgiveness is such a liberating thing to offer people.

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