Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CNN hits a new low

CNN has become a once decent news network that is now struggling with ratings thanks to a widespread perception that the network has lost its credibility. Twenty years of selective reporting rather than simply digging for the truth can do that to a network.

Last week CNN President Jeff Zucker said it all when he stubbornly admitted the network would not be "shamed" into covering the Benghazi hearings on the lies told by the White House in the wake of the deaths of four Americans including the first U.S. Ambassador killed overseas since 1979.  It would seem that there is no shame left at CNN.
This week the hiring practices at CNN were drawn into question for the news watcher when Carol Costello, allegedly a "news anchor" at the network was going about the business of attacking the food industry and Republicans.
Her approach was astonishingly ignorant. Before accusing the GOP of having a disregard for children, Costello felt compelled to set the background for her assault. She played a film clip of Michelle Obama from four years ago, just after the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act became law. Then she said, “That was Mrs. Obama back in 2010, when she signed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act into law. Well now some members of Congress and the food industry want to roll back that initiative and loosen requirements to cut costs.”
Really? Michelle Obama signed an act into law? She signs bills now? What do we have here in America now? Do we have a monarchy where both our king and his queen can issue edicts that become law?
Carol Costello is a symptom of a bigger problem at CNN and in America. The problem is there are people working as news anchors at national media networks like CNN who don't have the self-discipline or intellect to scrub out a toilet properly.

Don't expect this to change. You can bet Jeff Zucker won't be shamed into replacing this shrieking shrew with someone who knows that Michelle Obama doesn't sign jack diddle into law. And don't hold your breath on CNN even knowing it has a problem......that is unless you are walking past CNN headquarters. Under those circumstances you should hold your breath, because something really stinks in there. It's probably the management, but it could be the toilets. Costello might be in charge of the restrooms too.

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