Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Smile, chew your food, and keep an eye on the TV

For many years we have had a bit of a conundrum when it comes to discussions around the family dinner table. The anti-business progressives in the family think we don't pay our fair share of taxes. When we argue that we do, the discussion tends to get heated.

We usually ask (to expose their hypocrisy) what services the federal government provides to us that should cost us so much. Progressives are prepared, sort of. They trot out a made-to-order laundry list of things they say we never think about, that the government provides for everyone.
We smile, nod in agreement, and suggest since the government provides these services for everyone, doesn't it make sense that everyone should be paying to support the same government? They nod, but they don't mean it. They never vote for politicians who expect all Americans to contribute to the government. They vote for anti-business types who think "tax the rich" is the solution to declining living standards in America.
When we ask why we should pay so much more than others simply because we sacrificed, saved, took risks, and did without when we were young, they scoff. The reason why we have been relatively successful, they argue, is because we have more ability than the average person. They say we are smarter than the average person and that fact alone is the primary reason why we are more successful financially than the average person.
Their argument is an intellectual trap......but these discussions are never based on intellect. We know we are reasonably intelligent, but also we believe hard work and thrift made the difference for us. Hard work and thrift come with an upfront cost. We paid that cost. In the end, family or not, progressives don't want to clutter their minds thinking about the prices we paid in advance. They just "feel" better about more equal outcomes for everyone, even for those who were unwilling to sacrifice what we did for our long term futures.
Finally, we concede all of their arguments and spring the intellectual trap. "OK," we begin. Maybe we are a bit smarter. But, we ask, if that is the case, why won't they listen to us smart people when we start talking about the wisdom of structuring incentives in our society so others are much more willing to get smarter by learning what we have learned about short term sacrifice...for long term gain?
Progressives have no answers when it comes to listening to the ideas of people they just labeled as smart a minute earlier. The smart label they slapped on us wasn't to see what we think is a more intelligent public policy. The smart label was merely a justification for advocating the aggressive confiscation of the fruits of our labors.
For progressives it is all about Democrats, any Democrat. Logic doesn't matter, and "fairness" is not defined as, "you reap what you sow." Democrats/Progressives do not mind in the least that half the population of our country pays zero income tax to support the government they worship. They know if they vote to make sure non-producers can reap what producers have sowed every non-producer will be on their side. Their entire mission is to grow the number of non-producers so they can keep winning. As producers, we are to show our deep and abiding sense of "fairness" by financing their church of big government. Ignoring all the waste is the 1st Commandment in the religion of big government.
Years ago I realized the essence of Marxism is simple. You cannot reason with people who think it is fair to take something away from others who worked for it and earned it, and give it to people who didn't. Doing so through a fat and lazy bureaucracy is their plan. It never changes.
So for years now, around the dinner table, I have learned to shut up, chew my food, smile, and have one eye trained on the TV so I don't miss an important play during the game.

1 comment:

  1. Your patience is WAY underestimated. A kin to their frothing intolerance, such intellectually bankrupt poppycock being spoken at my dinner table is forbidden. Family relationships and friendships with those whom the essence and core of our life values is routinely violated in dialog are unwanted participants at the banquet celebration of reality. Pie in the sky is NOT on the menu of discussion at our table. That is, not absent our hostility, condemnation and virtually intolerable ridicule and contempt for those who insist upon expressing stupid, progressive drivel. Life is too short to soil our day/evening with the droning comments of intellectually inferior Marxists who haven't a clue how irritating they can be. We see these loons express their BS on TV enough than to allow it in or home. I COMMEND you patience and tolerance. We draw the line at the front door of our home. In that regard, we are not such gracious hosts.
